It's Over

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It was 7 o'clock in the morning and I was in the kitchen making myself some breakfast, listening to Bowie's new album The rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars (gosh, that's a mouthful). Roger and Freddie already left for work so I was alone in the house. I hummed along to the music when suddenly the telephone rang. I ran to the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said taking a bite of my bread, covered in butter and honey.

"Hello Annie" said a gentle voice on the other side. It was Alison.

"Hey Alison, how's it going?" I asked her, happy that she called me. We hadn't heard from each other in a really long time.

"Not good. Look we need to talk about our band. We hadn't had a gig in months and we really don't have any time to practice." Alison said.

"Yeah, that's true, but we can still-"

"No Annie stop please. We'll meet at 3pm at our usual band spot and figure things out. See ya." Alison said, sadness noticeable in her voice and hung up.

I sighed and put the phone down. Something deep down was telling me that Alison and Kevin wanted to break the band up. But they can't be. Right?

It was 2:56 pm.

I was sitting in my car, parked in front of the garage that me, Kevin and Alison used to practise at. I took a deep breath before I got out of the car. Our van was already parked outside, meaning Kevin and Alison were already here.

I went up to the door and opened it. Here goes nothing.

When I opened the door, the whole room was empty, besides the couch that me and Kevin once stole from someone's front yard. Looking at the empty walls and floor, it really made my heart ache.

I loved this band and I loved Kevin and Alison, they were one of my best friends. We got together as a band 3 years ago. At first it was just a joke, playing together the songs that we loved. But then we realised how good we sounded so we made it a part time job. Playing big and small gigs in and out of London. We weren't crazy popular, but people knew about us, which made me so happy. I was doing something I always wanted to do. I was in a band with my best friends.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and closed the door. Alison heard the door closing and came running to me from the other room.

"Annie! I missed you like crazy." she said, sadness noticeable in her voice. "Yeah me too." I said in a whisper and hugged her. Kevin watched us from a far, and I noticed that he was crying. I pulled away from Alison and went up to Kevin to hug him. I got emotional over the fact that my biggest fear was now a reality. Kevin and I stood there hugging each other while tears fell from our eyes.

I pulled away from Kevin and all three of us got into a group hug. All of us now crying, I was curious as to why this was happening.

"I know we hadn't had a gig in a while and that we didn't have much time to practise, but why?" I asked, more tears forming in my eyes.

"Me and Alison are moving to America. We can't stand the awful jobs we have here in London and we thought that moving to a different country, could be better for us." Kevin said and smiled sadly at both of us, taking Alison's hand in his and I immediately knew why they were moving away.

"Aw congratulations guys. I always knew you two would be perfect for each other." I said, softly smiling at them; "but why didn't you tell me before? I could've at least bought you something for your new place." I said, laughing sadly.

"We talked about it for some time now, but we decided to actually move about a week ago." Alison said "I know it wasn't right that we didn't tell you, but we were really busy with life and everything." she continued.

"It's alright guys, I don't blame you. I'm just sad about our band. I really enjoyed playing with you guys." I said and felt new tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much" Alison said, and hugged me again.

"I'll miss you too, lovely" I said, making Alison giggle a little when I called her 'lovely'. It was our little inside joke that we had, when Alison was getting hit on by some guy in a bar once and he called her lovely all the time.

"How about we go out and eat, and spend some time together?" Kevin suggested, making me and Alison nod in excitement.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Kevin and Alison. We all caught up with what was going on in our lives, especially mine. I told them all about Roger and how him and Freddie are now living at my place. They were both very happy for me and they said their hello's to all the members of Queen.

I had a really good time with them, but the bitterness was still there.

I lost both of my best friends.

I lost a chance to be in a rock band. I lost everything...

I lost everything I ever dreamed of.

Roger's P.O.V.

I was in the living room, relaxing from a stressful day at work. Cuddled up on the couch, I wondered where Annie was. It was almost 8 pm, and I knew she finished with her job hours ago.

Suddenly the front door were opened and slammed shut. I ran to the door and saw Annie crying on the floor, with her face in her hands.

"Annie, love, what happened?" I asked and kneeled beside her.

"Heatstroke... We-we broke up. Alison an-and Kevin are moving to America." she said and looked up at me, tears falling from her beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh, love I'm so sorry." I said and hugged her.

"It-it's over."


A.N.: Hello guyss! Ughh I've got to admit this chapter made me cry a little bit. I know I haven't wrote that much about Kevin and Alison, but everything will be explained in the next chapter.

Also, it's David Bowie's birthday today! So I decided to honour him a little and mention him in this chapter. I can't believe he would be 72 years old today. I'm just hoping he's having fun in heaven with Freddie and jamming out with him haha.

But anyways, as always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, star and comment it, it would mean the world to me.

Loads of Love, Clara<3

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