Part 4

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"A ride?"  I asked, shocked at his suggestion,  "Now?" 

It was late and we already had a few glasses of wine...   This didn't seem like a good idea.  

"Yes, now."  Shannon said as he reached down for my hand, wanting to pull me up from my seat,   "Come On."

Placing my wine glass down, I regarded this handsome, sexy man in front of me and quickly made the decision to just go for it.   For once, I was going to throw caution to the wind.   

What harm could be done, right?  

Besides, it didn't exactly sound like a bad thing to have him between my thighs as I sat behind him on the back of his bike. 

Slipping my hand into his, I stood up, "Okay..."  I said,  "yeah, let's go!" 

Shannon smiled excitedly,  "That's what I wanted to hear!"

Slipping my jacket on as we made our way out to the garage, Shannon grabbed his as well along with his keys.    It wasn't exactly cold outside but being in the open air, I'd rather be too warm than too cold.   There was only so much of myself I could wrap around him for warmth. 

My eyes went wide walking into the garage.    It was perfectly spotless and more like an additional room to the house instead of a grungy garage.   I've never seen anything like it.   There was a makeshift workshop set up on one entire side and a long bench for him to work on.   Tools were organized neatly.    Framed art hung on the walls like in a gallery.   And last but not least, his pride and joy, proudly sitting in the middle of it all on a padded mat. 

The bike was gorgeous and the style, as with everything else he owned, fit him perfectly.  

"This is incredible, Shannon."   

He smiled as he watched me walk around in wonder,   "It relaxes me."  

"Do you ride a lot?"

He nodded his head,  "Unless it's raining."  

Running my fingers down the length of the bike, I was excited.   About him, about going on this ride, about everything.  

"We aren't going far but I found this neat little place, I think you'll like it.  The views are amazing."  

Grabbing two helmets off the shelf, he put one on himself, snapping the chinstrap in place then brought the other to me.   

"Let me."    Shannon whispered, placing it on my head, adjusting the strap then clasping it in place. 

"Thank you."    I whispered back, my eyes following him the whole time.  

"Feel okay?"   He asked and I nodded,   "Good."

Getting on the bike, he stood it up then kicked the kickstand up.    Once he was steady, he held out his hand for me to take.  

"Hop up, sweetheart."   

Biting my lip,   "Okay."   Here goes nothing. 

I took his hand as I placed my foot on the peg.   Stepping up, I slipped my leg over the seat trying to look as graceful as possible as I sat down.   The seats was small so my body was right against his.   I tried to tuck my skirt in so as we rode, I didn't flash anyone but there was only so much I could do.    This was not a good choice in attire but how was I supposed to know?!  

Satisfied I was covered enough, I got comfortable, skootching closer to him.  I mean, I needed to be close enough to hold on tight.   I wanted to be safe, right?! 

You Had Me At HelloHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin