Começar do início

  XiuYin now felt sweat on his palms. "I work as hard as the next disciple Lu ShiZun! Although this disciple is a little slow to learn I am very dedicated!"

  BiMing nodded his head in approval and was about to say something when a wave of headache rushed over him. He gasped out in pain and pinched the bridge of his nose. The pain rocketed through his head and he closed his eyes as an image arose. A woman who looked to be around the same age as him was stood at the entrance. She had sweeping long hair dark as raven feathers and phoenix eyes that belonged to a goddess, with her small oval face she would've been an unparalleled beauty if it weren't for her raging expression. in her hands she clutched at a whip which must've been made out of hard material as it made clanging sounds as it hit the entrances barrier. BiMing realised that this was what was currently happening at his entrance. Cool! So my barrier is like a security camera too! His joy ended however, when a second vision came crashing upon him.

  The original Lu BiMing was sat cross legged in a dark place, with his  night vision he could see he was in some sort of shed but he left his eyes closed as he knew what was about to happen and knew he had no way to escape. He had tried before and had failed... the reason laid in the environment outside... He heard the shuffling  of the door handle before a woman stepped in. "Well if it isn't my favourite partner in crime..." Lu BiMing remained silent. "You've angered uncle again, he specifically warned you not to step out of line and now you're attempting to become a master? What a joke!" Lu BiMing still said nothing. The woman grew agitated and started fidgeting at the man's silence. "So silent today, you used to cry and beg for forgiveness, are you going through a rebellious phase?" Silence. The woman couldn't handle it anymore as she drew out her whip, made of wound up leather with immortal plant thorns littered across it. At this point, Lu BiMing opened his eyes and stared at that whip expressionlessly. "Ah... now you react, nothing like a little pain to wake you up hm?" And so began Lu BiMing's long night of pain...

(Above is a past memory of the original soul.)

  BiMing opened his eyes as one and one clicked into place. He could put a name now on the woman rudely banging on his front door, Tian HeGui. The bitch who has tormented this original's body... don't worry brother, although your body has been taken over by me I will avenge you!

  BiMing suddenly felt very courageous.

  "Lu ShiZun? Are you alright?" In the span of a minute XiuYin had seen many expressions flutter across his face, most of it being pain and that made XiuYin's heart itch a little. 

  Finally remembering he wasn't alone BiMing replied, "Nothing... there's an uninvited guest at the door, after I deal with her I'd like you to take me on a tour through your disciples camp if that's OK." 

  "Of course Lu ShiZun! With pleasure!" XiuYin felt giddy at the chance to get closer to this master.

  As the two trekked through the small forest, they arrived at the front of BiMing's residence, having a perfect view of the back of a woman viciously slashing at the entrance. XiuYin's eyes widened as he saw an unknown woman slash at the entrance, he unconsciously stepped in front of Lu ShiZun as they stopped behind her.

  BiMing seeing this smirked, little disciple ah, how can you protect me if you can't even climb a tree... though it does fell nice... fighting! hehehe... He kept his smirk on as he called out to the crazy woman. "Hey, HeGui, You won't be able to get in with such a low level spiritual weapon."

  HeGui span on her feet and glared at where the voice came from. Shock was initially on her face before it was overcome with absolute rage. "You dare deny my entrance... and how dare you call me by my name you worthless pig!"

  "I can deny entrance to whomever I deem fit... and I'm afraid you don't fit so scurry along, I'm busy." BiMing said as he began walking towards his residence, pulling the stiff XiuYin along by holding his hand.

  "Y...You! That's A Lot of nerve you have!" She screeched as she lashed her whip again, this time aimed at the two innocents.

    BiMing expecting an attack drew out his whisk and drew a simple arch in the air, fluidly as if dancing. The golden trail of an arc remained in the air  and expanded outwards until it met with the whip, defecting it and causing it to fly out of her hands. BiMing gave her a genuine smile before carrying on.

  XiuYin watched in awe as a bud of emotion continued blooming within him without his knowledge. The two without trouble stepped into the residence.

  HeGui after recovering from her disbelief at BiMing retaliating began her screeching again. "You insolent piece of shit! Just you wait till uncle hears of this, you won't be left of easy!." And after seeing them both step into the residence her face contorted into the ugliest of expression.

  Easily guessing her thoughts BiMing glanced over his shoulder and said, "Oh him? he can enter because he's much more important than you'll ever be." I mean, he brings me three meals a day hehehe.

 Little did BiMing notice that the hand within his now grasped tighter and that the words he just spoke will come back and bite him on the ass later...


Author Tries To Be Coy....

XY - ah these flowers in my chest keep blooming...

bloom bloom bloom bloom....

BM- Control these fucking flowers! I'm drowning in them!!!

XY- Good, because you're drowning in my love~~~


A/N- phew, sorry took a while to update, literally have every essay imaginable due next week ( one teacher found out I didn't even start it yet... hahhahahhha...

Anyways, hope this chapter wasn't too long?

Hope you enjoyed! Another chapter tomorrow!!! XD

A LOTUS BORN OF MUDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora