Chapter 13: Set to Attack

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Chelsea and Vicky finished making everybody's weapons and only two weapons left to make is for Anti and Dark. 'Which one do you want to make?' Vicky asked Chelsea. 'Um... I'll do Anti's.' Chelsea answered. 'And that means, I'll do Dark's.' Vicky said in her task mode. They grab the materials and started to make elegant weapons.

Vicky chiselled the cane into hooded figures, eerie eyes and claw marks. Then, she painted the white lines that she chiselled with red and blue. When she done it, she began to file the handle into the cracked skull with smoke on the skull to make effect.

Chelsea remembered the video game Alice Madness Return and thought to herself, Let's make Anti's version of Vorpal Blade. She got the thick and massive sheet of stainless steel. She put protection on, tie her hair up and began to cut the steel with the metal cutter wheel. Vicky's ears are scratching in her eardrums and left the room as she finished the cane. 

She cuts the sheet carefully into the blade just like from the video game. She began to make a cylinder handle for the Vorpal Blade. She cut off the cylinder steel to the grip sized for handing the blade. She filed the cylinder to smooth it and began to make the handle design like from the digital world. Data numbers, digital lines and matrix codes. And she does the same to the blade. She started to melt the steel and stick the blade and handle together.

After an hour of building the Vorpal Blade, she began to file the blade to make it extremely sharp. Vicky entered and hand out a hot chocolate onto the table next to Chelsea. After she finished filing the blade, she tests it out by cutting cucumbers in one slide. And it did. Then she hot-glued the end of the handle and put the green gem on it to make his signature colour. She blows the glue the make it cold and dust off the excess sheds of steel. She looked at her final piece and complete the design.

Vicky's eyes lit up and squealed, 'Anti will LOVE it!' 'Yeah. I hope he will.' Chelsea smiled. 'Ready to give these to our heroes?' Vicky nodded and they head out of the crafting room.

Dark and Anti was sitting on the sofa watching the news on the telly. Chelsea and Vicky hide the weapons behind their backs and Vicky whistled at them for attention. The men turned their heads and Vicky announced. 'We finished many monsters' weapons and we make these ones for last.' Then, the women showed Dark's and Anti's personalised weapons.

Dark smiled, stood up from the sofa, walked to Vicky, picked up his cane and took a very good look at the details. Vicky gulped of anxiety and Dark said, 'That's beautiful, Vicky. I love it.' As he kissed her cheek, she quickly blush and he noticed. 'No need to be shy for that.' 'I can't help it.' She smiled slightly and he hug her.

Anti's eyes lit up, jumped up, ran to Chelsea and give a massive hug like a happy kid getting a best Christmas present. He grabbed it from her hand, looked at it and smiled. 'That's the best weapon I've ever had. What inspired you to make this, big-ass knife here?' 'It's from a video game. Alice Madness Returns. And the Vorpal Blade weapon use. Just like Through the Looking Glass, I make it like yourself.' She answered. Anti give it a swing and it very swiftly light. He really loved Chelsea's crafting mind.

Three weeks later, Dark finished his strategy of the riot and ready for the plan of action. Everyone trained they weapons and powers. Dark bought three large camper vans and nine people carriers. They checked for food, water, first-aid, tents and sleeping bags.

Dark ordered the people in his hideout, 'Everyone. Get your weapons, head to the people carriers and get ready to our justice.' They cheered and ran to their room to grab their weapons.

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