She drove in silence, and stopped in front of the bakery Audrey worked at. It was just turning seven-thirty. Well, at least she'd make it to work by eight. Evelynn flew into the coffee shop.

"I need two cups of coffee!" She wailed. Audrey looked surprised.

"Evelynn.." Audrey paused. "What's wrong?"

Evelynn pointed to her car. In the passenger seat sat a very annoyed looking Sasori. Not that Evelynn cared he was annoyed. It was his fault they got into an argument in the first place. Audrey looked incredibly amused, and poured another cup of coffee. She even put the two cups into a cup carrier. Ah, sweet Audrey.

"Thanks!" Evelynn cried, leaving money on the counter, and grabbing two doughnuts on the way out. As soon as she slid back into the drivers seat, Sasori spoke.

"For someone in a rush, you sure are making pointless stops." He sounded aggravated. Good.

"Shut the hell up. I even got you a coffee and a fucking doughnut, asshole."

"What is a doughnut?"

The reply he got was having said pastry thrown at him.

"That's very nice, very classy" Sasori remarked dryly.

"Didn't exactly ask for your opinion," Evelynn snapped.

On that note, she whirled out of the parking spot and rushed to work. Oh fucking joy.

-Time Skip!-

Evelynn parked in front of the store, and quickly grabbed the keys to open the place. It was a few minutes after eight. Damn that puppet master. Not that it mattered. No one ever showed up to the shop this early in the morning. Regardless, Evelynn hated to be late.

She entered the store, Sasori following close behind. Flicking on the lights, she stole a glance at Sasori, who was looking around. She hated to admit it, but he was cute. Very cute.

"How old are you?" She asked, suddenly.

"I beg your pardon?" Sasori narrowed his eyes at her. He had been lost in thought, looking around the place. It was rather impressive. Piano's were set up on either side of the walk way. Guitars were hung on the left wall, wind instruments set up on the right wall. Amps were placed near the back of the store, around the counter where the register was. There was a door behind the counter that Sasori assumed led to the employee's break room.

"I asked what your age was."

"Ah, I'm twenty-seven. I'll be twenty-eight in November." He raised an eyebrow, why did she want to know?

"I'll be twenty-four in November!" Evelynn exclaimed. "November fifth."

"November eight."

"I suppose I can appreciate a fellow Scorpio." Evelynn said thoughtfully. Then she turned and headed to the small door behind the counter.

Entering the room Sasori noticed how small it was. Just a table, a clock to punch in, and a soda and snack machine. Evelynn explained to him how they worked. How nice of her. Evelynn dropped her purse on the table, and picked up a clip board that was laying there. She tsk'd.

"We have a shipment of tuners and sheet music coming in. Why? We just got sheet music. We need new beginners books! What is this shit?" She asked herself.

"What are you going on about?" Sasori questioned.

"Huh?" Evelynn looked up at him, almost forgetting he was there. "Oh. Mondays we usually get a shipment of supplies we need. Well, last Monday we got a huge shipment of sheet music in. Ya know, the papers where you can write down the notes to songs? Well, anyways, for some reason we're getting another shipment of that in. We don't need it. I specifically told them we need more beginners guides for piano, flute, and acoustic guitars."

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