Act V: The Festival of Death!

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"You're gonna be a hard one to kill, ya know, Lilly?"

"Don't call me that name. You're not worthy of it."

Lilith Bloodsuu stood a few feet back from Gabriella, one of the Twins who have been draining the life of adventurers in the small town of Brimstone. She and Tatsuo Kobayashi had come to face the two of them, but they got the better of them and Gabriella put Tatsuo down for a nap that I couldn't wake him up from. Now, Lilith was left to face Gabriella, and then her brother.

"Whaaaaat? Lilly's such a nice nickname though! Wait... did you say I was unworthy of it? Oh my god, is that his nickname for you or something?"

Gabriella said his, he was referring to the sleeping Tatuso on the ground. Lilith released some blush upon hearing her words. It was true that Tatsuo was the only person whose ever called her by that name, and... he's the only person who she'll allow to call her that name. It's only because out of everyone she knew, she and him were the closest. She was closer to him than she was to Athena.

"Yes, in fact, that is his nickname for me. Got an issue with it?"

"Oh, don't get so defensive! Anyway, it really does pain me to do this to you, Lilly, after all, you were like a mother figure to me for about ten minutes."

Lilith's crimson eyes burned brightly as she stared at the lich before her. She was angry that she had fallen a fool to Gabriella's trick. But, she planned to make up for her and Tatuso's error by beating Gabriella into the ground.

"I'm gonna give you one chance to back down, Gabriella. Do that, and you'll be spared."

My tone or words hadn't intimidated Gabriella in the slightest, she could tell by the grin spread across that undead face of hers.

"How courtesy of you, Lilith. But, I'm gonna have to deny because why back down when I know I can win? Dark Sorcery: Sword of Darkness."

Gabriella held out her hand and had it positioned to seem like she was holding the handle of a sword. In a moment after the spell was cast, black specks took form around Gabriella and they all flew toward her hand and began to collide and take form. The form they took was the form of a rapier sword.

"I know what you are, Lilith. You're a half-breed, right? Half human and half vampire? That puts you at a severe disadvantage, doesn't it?"

Lilith didn't reply. Still, that was a fine answer for Gabriella and it caused her to smirk smugly.

"Half breeds have their advantages and disadvantages. In your case, you have the appearance of a human and you're able to work around in the daylight. Plus, you don't need blood for sustenance. But, even though you can cast above level five magic, you lose mana very quickly unlike me. But, what's even better, holy magic isn't the only type of magic that can hurt you. Thanks to that human half of you, dark magic can hurt you just as well as light."

Gabriella swung her rapier in the air, imagining the moment when she would cut Lilith down. Everything she had said was true, so despite how bitchy she was, she wasn't stupid and was probably conducting a plan to kill Lilith.

I need to play my cards right, or me and Tatsuo will both be dead.

Lilith glanced over at him and saw how peaceful he was, and a small smile came to my face. I was relieved to know that I knew what I was fighting for, and how important it was for me to win.

"Ready, Lilly?" Gabriella asked.

She grunted before taking a deep breath...

I've got this. I have to give a reason why I should be a part of the Demon King's army!

The Demon King: The Undead Twins (Volume 2) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now