Act III: The Twins

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The bell rang loudly as a way of telling Oz that a new customer had entered his establishment. Despite being in the basement that was hidden beneath the shop, he heard the bell as if it were right next to him. He sighed as he carelessly dropped his syringe next to his journal on his Cart of Suffering. It was nothing but a wooden cart with wheels that he constructed years ago. He's never cleaned it once because blood stains on the cart were like photos in his twisted memory book.

Oz was angry that he didn't get to start his experiment, but the woman tied to the old wooden rocking chair that sat before him was thanking God for the delay of the inevitable. Her wrists and ankles were bruised and burned due to the tight rope around them. Tears had stained the rope that was around her head to keep her from pleading from her life. Oz hated when his victims did that, it almost made him feel bad for them and he hated nothing more than feeling sympathy for his victims.

Today's experiment was to inject the subject with the inky blood of zombie, a type of undead, to see what would happen. Would it just kill the subject? Or would it kill the subject and reanimate it as a zombie or some kind of more powerful undead like a lich?

Oz took off his bloody apron and threw it onto the cart. He turned away from his victim and saw an old wooden staircase that led upstairs. He hurried up the stairs, a creak being heard as soon as his feet touched each step. He reached the top and pushed open the door. He walked out from the basement and shut the hatch behind him. He slid the carpet, that was originally over the hatch before he entered, back over the hatch. He grabbed his suit jacket that resided on a coat hanging by the door that led into his shop. He made haste out the door and into his shop as he put on his suit jacket.

Oz saw that a group of three Adventurers had entered his shop. Two were looking on the items on display, while the other stood in front of the counter.

She was eyeing Oz.

Oz merely smiled as he walked behind the counter.

"Hello there! It's nice to meet all of you! Is there something I can help you with?"

He spoke like a normal member of society when he greeted these people. Unlike when he first met Lilith Bloodsuu and the Demon King. Sure, he was messed up. But he was smart enough to know not to reveal his dark and twisted secrets to those whom he could not trust, or blackmail.

The woman in front of Oz was a red haired woman who looked to be in her early twenties. She wore what he could only describe as the getup of a sexy magician's assistant. She had the vest, the bowtie, the cute little top hat, sparkling ruby heels, and fishnets that went up to her thighs. She had a cute smile on her face, just like Oz. Which made it that much easier for him to tell that she was hiding something.

Oz knew immediately who she was by her attire alone.

"Aah! I've been waiting for a virtue to come into my shop! It truly is an honor, ma'am."

The woman standing before Oz was none other than Cherry! She was a member of the Seven Heavenly Virtues; the virtue of charity. It took three days, but Oz asked his book about all seven of them and everything about them. There were a few... surprises. But nothing he learned made him fear of being found out.

"So you're Oz the Dealer, huh? I've heard many stories about you and you brilliance. So, please, the honor is mine to meet someone of your status." she said.

Beneath the counter, Oz clenched his fists. He had never met this woman, he just knew of her and her team's existence. Since he had never met her... he had no idea that she and him were so much alike.

The Demon King: The Undead Twins (Volume 2) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now