Freddie (Me)

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I got dressed in the most comfortable outfit I had and did my makeup I headed out the door and made my way to Freddie. I walked to his shed and knocked lightly
"Hey babydoll what's wrong you sounded upset?". I emailed and sat on his couch Indian style and watched as he handed me a bottle of whisky while he rolled a joint. I took a swig and got the courage to speak
"Effy likes games and she's using cook to play them and me and you". I lowered my head and took another swig
"I know, she seems to like games has she always been like that?". I shrugged as he sparked the joint handing it to me
"She and I used to be as thick as thieves. We could not speak for days but still perfectly understand each other just by looking at one another". I passed him the joint before I continued.
"Her brother got hit buy a bus and I wasn't here for her. I didn't have money to come out and if I did I'd have to stay. It wasn't part of my plan, I think I let her down though so this is my punishment". I took a big gulp from the bottle before Freddie pried it from my grip. He handed me the joint as a even trade and hid the bottle behind him.
"You know cameron, it's not your fault. None of it. She's not just punishing you, she doesn't even know me but she drives me mad". I could see the pain in his eyes.
"Are you just alone as me Freds?". I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
"No one understands or tries to I only have JJ and cook. Now I don't even think I have them". He sighed placing his head in his hands
"Freddie I'm here aren't I? Karen obviously thinks the world of you? I don't understand?". He lifted his head and looked st me grabbing both my cheeks with his palms crashing my mouth into his again. I leaned into him as he pulled me on top of alarm blared from his phone and we broke apart
"I have to go meet me later yeah?". He smiled at me and kissed me cheek helping me up. I made my way to an old pub to drink my pain away. I was a couple shots in and a few boings down before I decided to call it quits my phone had been buzzing off the hook but I didn't want to answer it. Mainly because I know its effy.
I made my way to the old docks where me and effy would sit I felt arms against my shoulder
"Here you are I've been looking every where for you!".
"Hey Fred's sorry long day". I sighed as he passed me a joint.
"I know the feeling. But, go get pretty I'm taking you on a proper date". I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Is this you asking me or telling me?". I was nervous but in a good way.
"Asking but mostly telling now go in wear something nice!". With that he kissed my cheek and I headed back home to get ready. I diced to wear a simple black dress with a spider web design across my chest and a choker collar. Effy has been no where to be found. But why would she face me I feel like I could drag her down the stairs by the hair and jam her face into the door a few times. I out my shoes on and headed out completely ignoring drunkin aunt Athena. I made my way to Freddie's street before I could make it to the door he was storming out. He looked so nice. He was wearing a suit but running down the street.
"Freddie! Fred's!". I took off my heels before running after him when I finally caught up I grasped his shoulder.
"Freddie what's wrong why are you running from me!". He looked at me and had sadness in his eyes.
"I told her cameron. I told her and she didn't even come after me". His voice trailed off.
"Freddie you told who what?". I was confused but I didn't know he was gonna spring this bomb on me.
"I told effy I loved her I found her at the docks and kissed her and told her. She didn't even say a word to me. I don't know what to do". My heart sank. Another one effy grasped up.
"Freddie.. I know this is a stupid proposition but if you wanna make effy jealous". He stopped me before I could finish and answered his phone.
"Shit, Cameron I have a family thing I completely forgot about would you settle for this being our first "date"." He air quoted getting my hint. I hurt to know effy can have anyone she wants but I know what this is. I nodded my head and he locked hands in mine. We made our way past a pub and I swore I could see cook and JJ but we kept walking to a studio.
"So you remember Karen? She's trying to become the next sex bomb, I have to be here for her". I smiled and we made our way to table with Freddie's dad. I can't say I was comfortable with Karen's whole performance. It was a little weird. When it came time to announce the winner Karen had lost. We made our way back to Freddie's from t door Karen completely devastated.
"I should go Fred's".
"No cammi stay please, Karen could use a new friend". He dad smiled and nodded as he held the door open.
"Karen, I think you look great and did amazing, I mean who else got a standing ovation? Your mom would be proud". It was hard to say the part as I had no idea if it was true but both Freddie and his dad smiled and agreed. Before we knew it cook and Freddie barged into the door. Cook looked shocked as he saw me setting so close to Freddie and hugging Karen.
"Well well Well isn't this lovely aye? Nice to see you all cuddled up then". I could see the annoyance in his face as Freddie places his hand on my knee.
"What the fuck do you want you fucking wanker". Karen gave cook a dead stare.
"Just wanna know how it feels to lose baby cakes, funny how you could make someone lose with only a few votes from bloats at the pub". He was smirking a comfy grin and before I knew it freddie had cook against the wall. H went to hit him and me and JJ were standing next to each other in complete shock. I left the house in a huff because I couldn't handle it. I made my way half way down the street before I feel in my heels skinning both my knees and getting gravel caught in my hands.
"Babydoll! Are you alright!". Before I knew it Naomi had me scooped up and grabbed both my hands.
"Fine". I managed a smile and wiped off the gravel from my hands wincing.
"Come on then". She looped elbows with me and led me to her what I believe was her house. She led me in and we pushed passed a bunch of people she patted a bed and told me to sit.
"Don't worry this is my room it's off limits to anyone I say". She smiled and held peroxide bandaids and cotton balls.
"Thanks Naoms, I really appreciate it". I smiled through my hair as she cleaned my hands first.
"Last year I kissed a girl. Her sister saw and she lied and said I forced her. Now everyone thinks I'm a Pervy lesbian". She said smiling confidently at me.
"Everyone thinks I'm a fuck up who cowers in Effys shadow, but I'm playing my own game". We nodded at eachother as I winced and she covered my knees with the band aids.
"Well then guess we're both in it for the long run, drinks then cami?". I smiled and we made our way to a pub where effy was with panda and thomas. Great. I sucked it up and we laid out way to there table.
"Bullocks Cameron! You look even better in person than on tv!".
"What are you talking about panda?". I cocked my head.
"Don't play stupid we saw you with Freddie". Effy stares into my soul.
"Oh that, we ran into eachother and he asked me to go". I played it off as nothing
"Yeah plan was to surprise you guys but she ended up late meeting me lighten up eff!". Naomi covered for me Effy smirked I know not believing a word. After a few drinks and a few drugs effy and I were heading home when she got a call and left me in her old room I payed down and began to sob I miss my mom and dad my own life I hate being apart of this stupid thing.
"EFFY STONEM!". I boomed and she opened her door
"I'm doing playing I deserve a life I deserve to be happy and you will not control or toy with me anymore you want cook fine but I'm showing Freddie the affection he deserves!". Before she should say anything I slammed the door and called Freddie
"Meet me at the park halfway 20 minutes". I hung up before he could reply and made my way there. He was sitting on the swings and I walked up to him and planted my lips right on his. He kissed me back and pulled me closer
"No games Freddie, you deserve this and so do I". He smiled and we made our way back to his house where for the first time I felt wanted and needed. Things just broke from here though. Freddie was never meant to be mine and I knew that. I needed my Cookie Monster.

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