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Bubblegums prospective:
We were almost at the end of the neighborhood and Marceline was complaining all the way as I shushed her "if you really want that album then stop complaining we are on a important trip now hush" Marceline let out a big sigh "fineeee prinCESS" I rolled my eyes and kept walking we got to the last house and knocked the door opened a crack "what the hell do you want.." a raspy voice came through the door "eh hello sir we are new to the neighborhood we just made cookies for everyone" I picked up the jar to the crack of the door *click* the door opened and revealed a filthy man with sweat stained shirt and messy hair "eh thanks" he swept the cookies from my hand "we also wanted to ask about that killer we just moved here and we just wanna know how safe it is I don't want nothing happening to my girlfriend or me" he looked at us in disgust "eh sorry I don't know anything can you leave me alone I have important business" he shut the door as we stud there "well that wasn't suspicious at all" Marce said as she floated down the steps as i followed her back
We got back home as Marceline flopped on the couch "that man was very suspicious I think we got our first suspect" Marceline turned up the tv as I signed and walked upstairs 'let's see who you are' I typed in the information of the address and got a person 'Dave Miller' his picture was way different when how he looked nice and clean with a business suit and a white smile and combed hair
Information : Dave miller
Education: Bachelor degree in Harvard
Worked for car company fired for drug addiction
Arrests: sell of illegal drug, murder of josh smith while on LSD, MUSHROOMS, AND ACID not conscious in process of murder
Work: works in fast food, mc don as a cook
Family: divorced from Jane Chan
son: nick
Others: deceased
'Well that explains everything' i got my note book and wrote down the information

Marcelines prospective:
'Well Boredom is taking over' I got up the couch and floated up stairs to see what bon bon was up too I saw her writing down something she didn't hear me come in I smirked and looked at her for awhile 'why does she always have to look so dorky and cute all the time I don't even have the guts to tell her-' "Marce is something wrong" I jumped from my throughs and smiled "yea just zoned out whatcha doing tho boni" boni rolled aside on the chair as she put her hand up to the screen of the computer as I got closer and read the information "it has to be him he murdered someone already" I said boni raised her eyebrow "we don't have any Proof Marce especially that the person is very Clean about there work when it comes to murder" I looked at boni and let out a sigh "well I hope this goes quickly" I cracked my back as boni looked at me in disguste "whattt my back has been killing me" boni keeped writing as I flopped down on the bed

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