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Thanks for actually reading this it sucks i know ;-;
Marceline prospective:
We arrived at the house Bonnie was already annoyed by me and my constant asking if we are almost there the house looked normal a two story house I still can't believe Bonnie asked me to do this I was abit hesitate at first cause I been liking Bonnie for awhile and I don't wanna ruin our friendship with that
"Marce come help with the bags I can't carry them all" I snapped out of thought and picked all the bags up with Bonnie just looking at me with all the bags while taking hers too out of her hand "there now the princess doesn't have to carry anything" Bonnie rolled her eyes while she followed behind me as we entered the house
Everything was set we checked top to bottom of the house checking it out I lied in our bed while Bonnie was typing on her computer "so what's the plan bon bon do i have to go beat up this killer?" I said with a chuckle "this is serious marce this area has been attacked the most, there's a lot of gay couples here and I am planning to go door to door with you introducing our selfs with baked cookies see if that gets any attention" I looked up at her "does that mean we have to bake" I said with a whine "no I'll bake since last time you almost burn the kitchen down but you can go to the store and get the stuff I'll give you a list" I sigh at her chore for me I got my phone and searched the nearest store and started walking out "MARCE ALSO BRING FOOD FOR US" Bonnie shouted before i closed the door it was getting dark so i turned myself into a bat making it way faster
I walked into the store and looking at the list grabbing everything Bonnie need and anything else we needed I payed and walked to a fast food place to get some food for Bonnie while I got some yummy apples at the store
I arrived back to the house and opened the door to hearing bonnie singing in the shower I put everything away awhile sucking on a apple and floated up the stairs to knock on the restroom door "Bonnie I came back and I got you sushi and red apples for me" Bonnie turned the shower off and I started heading down to sit on the couch turning the tv on and bringing Bonnie's food to the table in front of the couch and the bag of apples for me I started watching tv while sucking the red out the apples as Bonnie came down stairs and sat down chowing down her food "that's not very princess like" she looked up with a glare and I gulped as I looked back at the tv "geez ok I get it you want me to shut it"

The fake couple (bubbline story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon