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Marceline prospective:
I woke up in the morning on the couch as Bonnie took the bed and smelled something very good I floated to the smell and saw bonnie baking cookies I grabbed a red velvet cookie but slapped the cookie out of my hand "hey that's not for you" I sighed and give her a sad look "fine just one" I took it and started eating it, Bonnie's baking is always good I went to the frigi and got some strawberries and a apple sucking the red out of them "marce get ready we have to go door to door later you have to look decent" i ignored her as I sucked on the apple "sure sure whatever" I went upstairs finding some clothes and putting them on and decided to write down some lyrics and practice them on my guitar till bon bon was done
Bonnie's prospective:
We left the house with jars of cookies as I made marce carry them we went door to door introducing ourselves giving cookies till we meet a friendly gay couple that invited us in "omg look Josh they made us cookies" one of them said "yea i know Cody, hello my name is josh and this is my husband Cody what brings you here" we smiled "well we just moved here and introducing ourselves this is Marceline my girlfriend and I am bubblegum" Cody clapped his hands "your going to love it here girls the only thing is that the water heating sucks I can never take a nice bath with my babe" we smiled trying not to cringe "ha that sucks well before we leave do you guys know anything about that killer" they put a sadden look "yea she killed 5 couples already here in the last month" she? How do they know it's a she "how did you know it's a she" coby gulped "well you see next to us there was one of the murders and I clearly saw long hair tied up and before she left she hit herself and kind screamed and it was so high it had to be girl after she ran and disappeared and I called the cops"

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