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NAME: Sage Holden Moor

NICKNAME(S): Mini by Fynn (uwu)

Agent Washington



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Kaya Scoledario

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Kaya Scoledario

AGE: Varies

GENDER/SEXUALITY: Female, demiromantic, polysexual

SPECIES/POWERS: Human, though she's kickass af. She's got expert marksmanship, gun or knife, and a wicked punch and a tongue to match.

PERSONALITY: Sage is normally a super cheery bean, all smiles and dirty jokes. But get her angry, and you're likely never forgiven. Normally, though, she'll be your best friend immediately. She's a talker, hyper and excited, and is always ready for anything. Sometimes her spontaneity gets her in trouble, however. She's excellent at reading people and loves gossiping. The tea, sis. Again, she's dangerous when angry, and that's almost always underneath her bubbly demeanor. She's wary to not trust anyone except herself, and refuses to get attached to anyone. She knows enough about her dad's story to know that she's the only one she can trust. Her mind is crowded with fears and revenge, and she's all too sure she's gonna snap one day, and nobody will expect it. And she lives for it.

LIKES: Dirty jokes, c a t s, running, hand-to-hand, sugar, books.

DISLIKES: Kinda confused about the Director, useless violence, the dark (trauma from young ages), fish, water.

BACKSTORY: Adopted by Fynn as a baby, taken from him at age five. She's grown up at the project ever since.

OTHER INFO: Seafood allergy.

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