Chapter 7 - Reflection

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Jen opened the door to her car, flustered by how nice and sweet Slash seemed to be.

Clearly he cared about his kids, and it seemed like he cared about her, or he was just being friendly she couldn't tell.

But she had an evening class to get to, and she wanted to shower and eat dinner before it. Time to hurry.

She opened the door to her car, sliding into the drivers seat and leaving her purse in the passenger seat.

Jen looked at herself in the rearview mirror, seeing a tired university girl staring back at her. God she needed a nap.

No! She had to go to class.

As soon as she got back to the college, she parked her car and realized that her apartment was empty and her roommates were out.

The brunette turned on the shower, hoping to wash off the day and the weird thoughts she'd had about Slash being super caring and sweet.

"Jen get it together, he is like 40!"

But then the other side of her brain argued back.

"At least he will know how to treat a woman better than Joey does!"

Jen scowled at herself in the mirror, before stripping off her glitter and food covered t-shirt  and jeans, and stepping into the shower.

Joey was her ex-boyfriend from her first two years of college. He was never as mature as she'd wanted, and had finally dumped her randomly for another girl.

Jen convinced herself she was over it, but she'd still never dated anyone else. Unfortunately for her, Slash was mature, seemed caring and sweet, and responsible. London and Cash were great children, and clearly he'd raised them well.

He wore a wedding ring but made no mention of a wife of any sort. Jen found herself curious about that whole situation, resolving to ask about it in the future.

Also he was a god damn rock star? Like come on. She had to ask about that and figure out more.

She turned the warm water off, realizing that the bathroom was all steamy and that it was already five.

What was she going to do with all her weird thoughts abut Slash?

As she got dressed quickly, she resolved to squish all those bizarre thoughts down and ignore them for now. She was just tired, that was what it was.

After a quick dinner of mac n' cheese, Jen swept her hair up into a messy bun and put on mascara. She grabbed her backpack and then hurried to class.

The door squeaked as she entered the lecture hall. Jen slid into the seat next to her best friend (and roommate) and pulled out her notebook.

She was a little exhausted, but eager to just listen to the professor talk and let all the thoughts about boys go.

"Rough day?" Kate asked, her hazel eyes focused on her friend.

"Just a little. I did some babysitting earlier, and I'm definitely behind on homework."

"That sucks. I'm behind on homework too, going to try to finish the work for my next class during this lecture."

At that moment they both had to turn to the front as their professor began talking.

Slash had just finished giving Cash and London baths after dinner, and realized that he hadn't thought about, or called Perla all day. He felt like he'd betrayed her, but also relieved that he was finally starting to be less mopey. Perla could come home on her own time.

The guitarist noticed that his mind hadn't drifted to Perla, because of Jen. He supposed maybe he should play some guitar to help get his mind off of both her and Perla.

He stepped into Cash's room, it was definitely a little past his bedtime and he was starting to yawn.

"Time for a bedtime story Cash!"

"Yay." The little boy snuggled into Slash's side as they curled up on the bed together.

Slash picked up "Thomas the Tank Engine" from the bedside table, beginning to read aloud and point to each word, as Cash stuck his thumb in his mouth and began to doze off.

As soon as the book was finished, Slash crept out of Cash's room and then gingerly shut the door so he could sleep.

London was cuddled up in his own blankets, already holding a teddy bear and acting tired. Slash said good night and read him a story as well.


The kids were asleep and now he could play guitar out in the garage in his makeshift studio.

He selected his favorite Les Paul guitar and began playing a hand warmup to get his hands ready and then began to just play a couple of slow soulful riffs. He wasn't worried about composing, more just about getting his mind off of everything that was going on.

He found himself playing the intro to Sweet Child O' Mine and then immediately remembered that he had barely thought about Perla today and that maybe he should call her.

The hurt that Slash felt from her leaving projected itself into a smooth slow melody that traveled up and down his guitar. He got lost in that sound, sitting on a stool, hunched forward as he played the notes passionately.

He finally stopped and came back down to earth. He should call Perla so that she knows he still wants her to come home.

The phone rang and rang, but still, no one picked up.

"Damn it." He sighed, running his fingers through his curls. At this point, he didn't think he should bother leaving a message.

Was she worth it anymore?

Perla was treating him like shit. Maybe he should stop chasing her down and start chasing the girl who was gorgeous, caring and incredibly smart. More importantly, she was right in front of him.

The last thought he had before he went to bed was that he wondered what Jen was doing.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm definitely going to speed things up a little, more action will come toward the middle of the story.

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