"Sorry about that."

"It's fine! Do- you need to use my landline? I know cell phones don't really work this close to all the trees."

He gave an enthusiastic nod and you stepped out of the way for both of them enter. You held the door open while they each moved inside to your living room and looked around while you closed the door again. They were really tall compared to you. You had already figured as much seeing as you were on the shorter side compared to other men your age, but standing next to them inside your own home only seemed to amplify that fact.

You turned the overhead lights on and led the guy in the tan jacket over towards your halfway hidden kitchen.

"I'm (Y/N) by the way." you introduced. "would either of you like some coffee? Or tea or water or something? I've got a little bit of everything."

"I'm Tim and that's Brian over there," you followed his hand gesture over to his friend and gave Brian a smile when he looked up to see who called his name. "A water is fine for me. You want anything Brian?"

Brian, the taller one with dirty blond hair and a boyish face, glanced from Tim, to you, then back again with a stoic expression before finally giving an answer of black coffee. Your gut gave a slight twist at how emotionless he seemed to be, and you showed Tim to the landline before bustling back into the kitchen to start a small pot of coffee and get him a glass of water. You could faintly hear Tim talking lowly to someone on the phone over the sound of the coffee machine whirring up to brew. Your eyes caught Brian meandering about your living room from the corner of them.

He paused for a moment besides your couch before gingerly setting himself down to sit and wait. Although you had allowed them into your home, and Tim seemed friendly enough, you still couldn't get over that feeling that there was something distinctly wrong about the situation. It all felt like one of those horror movie cliches where the protagonist allows the murderer - or in your case murderers - into their home before the killer offs them in some horrific and gory way. Something just wasn't sitting right, and you couldn't put your finger on it no matter how hard you tried.

When the coffee was done you reached up for two mugs and poured Brian's and your own. You grabbed a simple glass cup as well, filling it was ice and water from the fridge. You set it on the counter beside Tim before going back for the two mugs and making your way into the living room area. Ezra was still asleep on his back - just as you had left him with his tongue out and small feet dangling in the air adorably.

You bent down slightly to scoot his head aside and sat down. Brian took the mug from you with a muttered thank you and you gave a curt nod. A thick silence developed between the two of you directly after the brief interaction. He seemed more relaxed than you were however, leaning back into your couch and letting his legs do whatever they wanted. He felt annoyed somehow to you. And you couldn't exactly blame him for being so. You would definitely be more than disgruntled too if your car had broken down this early in the morning.

"I don't think I've ever seen you guys around town," you tried after the silence stretched out for a few minutes. "Are you guys new or passing through-?"

"Working on a project."

His answer was so short and curt it left a stinging sensation on the tips of your fingers.

"Oh- um, what kind of project, if you don't mind my asking."

He gave a slight groan, stretching out further before he gave an answer.

"A mutual friend of ours - Alex - was filming a short movie for his final before he dropped it and switched schools. My friend Jay ended up getting all the footage and decided he wanted to try and have a go at it before he found us and asked Tim and myself to finish filming it for him." he paused to take a sip of his coffee, letting it sit and scorch his mouth before he finally swallowed it. "Right now we're both going across the state to try and find more areas to film at before we get anybody from the original production involved again."

You let out an 'ah', taking a sip of your own coffee. "So you're both studying film then."

"I dropped out because college wasn't for me, and Tim had some issues come up so he couldn't finish it and get his degree like he wanted to."

"That's sad to hear,"

"I guess if you value a college degree it is."

"You don't?"

All he did was turn to give you a deadpan look. He turned away after a few dragged out seconds of shared eye contact to take another scorching sip from his mug. You were kind of curious how he had the gall to be this rude to you though. You could kick him out if you wanted to, there was nothing keeping you from doing so. Yet you found yourself feeling rather calm instead of angered by him. You almost wanted to prod at him some more just to see what kind of reaction he'd give, but you refrained from doing so. That would have been even ruder than his short answers and snippy attitude. And you hated being rude to people unnecessarily and the current situation would honestly just make you look like an unhelpful dick to these two.

Tim reentered the room then, a soft smile on his face until he undoubtedly felt the strained tension between the two of you. He said nothing of it though thankfully and moved to sit in the small armchair you had set up to the side of the couch.

"I called a tow truck company and the lady who answered said she'd send someone out to help us with the car as soon as they 'officially' open in about an hour." he announced.

"I can drive you guys up there when somebody comes if you want." you offer quietly.

He gives you a smile, and Brian ignores you in favor of staring at whatever is on the TV at that moment. Tim is much more inviting to talk to than him. He feels warm in a way and you find yourself delving deep into a conversation with him. The fact you sing in a band is somehow brought up and you manage to stutter out an invitation for the two of them to come to your next 'concert'. But with the lack of a coherent schedule you end up exchanging numbers with each other, sending him a text to let him know it's your number.

After a half hour you leave them to go get dressed in order to take them back to their car. You leave your bedroom door cracked just enough to be able to hear the sound of the TV and their mumbled conversation while you dress in a pair of torn jeans and an old band t-shirt. You shrug on another hoodie and run your hand through your hair before returning to the two men in your living room where you wait for the tow truck company to call Tim back through your home phone.

When they do, you lead both out to your detached garage where your car and dirt bike are parked inside. The three of you get inside the car - Tim in the passenger seat and Brian in the middle of the back. Your music plays quietly from the speakers of the older stereo system. The windows are rolled down slightly to let some cool air in as you drive down a heavily wooded gravel road with Tim as your guide.

It takes the amount of time for three songs to end and a fourth to begin before you come upon what is clearly Brian and Tim's broken down car. You pull to a stop on the other side of the road and sit there to wait for the truck to arrive. At this point you can hear birds chirping from up in the tall evergreen trees that shade the road, and beams of grey morning light forcing their way through the holes between each tree.

"Thanks for helping us and stuff (Y/N)," Tim says when you can see the lights of the tow truck coming around the bend. "We really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it." you wave off, watching Brian get out and slam the car door closed with a little more force than necessary. "If you ever need any help while you guys are in town just hit me up and I'll see what I can do."

He thanks you again and gets out, closing the door behind him softer than Brian had. He waves you off as you drive away, heading into town for the day. You stop at a coffee shop and get yourself something to eat and drink. You then drive back to your house a separate way than the road you came into town through, this time with your windows down all the way and music turned up over the wind. This way takes longer - close to a half hour instead of ten minutes to get home. Your hand is dangling out the open window and a smile on your face until you see something out of the corner of your eye that makes you slam on the brakes.

It had only been there for less than a split second, but you were positive something had been there.

You unbuckled your seat-belt, chest gasping for breath and eyes wide. You stumbled out of your car to get closer to the edge of the woods. The trees were thicker and more clustered together, making the road look nearly pitch black minus your dim headlights. You could hear your music blasting and echoing off the trees, so you leaned back into your car briefly to turn the volume down.

Whatever you had seen had been dark looking and ducked low to the ground. It rushed out in front of your car faster than anything you had ever seen move. It had moved faster than any animal in the area you knew of, but in the split second you had seen it, you could have sworn it looked almost human.

Chlorine (Creepypasta x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now