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Screaming and yelling awakened me from my sleep. I thought maybe I just had imagined them until I heard them again.

"NO NO NO" somebody's deep voice shouted. I sat up on my blow-up mattress unsure of what to do

"SARA IT'S YOUR TURN!" Sara's mum yelled from her bedroom just down the hall

Sara groaned and got up from her bed walking into the bathroom and filling up a glass of water. She slowly walked over the hall to her twin brother's bedroom and I quickly followed her. She flicked on the lights, Calum her brother was whimpering in his bed, twisting around in his sheets. His face was pale and was covered in sweat.

Sara walked over to his bed and poured the water over Calum's now wet head. Calum gasped waking up with a scream of pain. Sara kneeled next to Calum and started to stroke his hair telling him everything was alright and that it was just a dream.

His eyes opened and I could still see the fear in his eyes. He grabbed his sister and hugged her tightly has he sobbed into her chest. Sara stroked his back until his breathing calmed down and he pulled back.

That's when he noticed me.

Leaning on his door frame staring at what I just witnessed in pure shock.

Calum Hood was the bad boy of my school, and never would I have ever thought that I or anyone see him cry and be so fearful.

"Who is she?" he asked, glaring at me

"This is India my best friend, you know her" Sara replied

"Who let her in here?" he mumbled to his sister

"I did Calum you woke up the whole house! Maybe even the whole street, obviously she's gonna want to know what all the screaming and yelling was about! Now get to sleep" Sara responded

"Whatever then, can you lay with me Sara? Please?" he pleaded

Sara looked at me and mentally apologised, she then climbed under the covers and laid next to her brother.

"You can sleep in my bed if you won't lovely! Good night"

"Good night sez" I replied as I returned back to her room and quickly went back to sleep


The next day

The bell rung signalling that second period was now over and it was time for lunch. I was still copying the last of the notes down as everyone else left I was now the last person in the classroom besides the teacher of course. I finished the last of the notes and packed my book up and started to walk out of the room.

As I walked out the door somebody grabbed my arm and spun me around. I wasn't the only student left in the classroom it was just Calum and I.

"So Africa.." Calum began

"The names India" I said rolling my eyes

"I don't care, anyways.. If you ever and I mean ever tell anyone about what you saw last night, your life won't be worth living anymore"

And the bad boy Calum hood is back again



Hello my lovelies so this is a new book as you can see! I hope you guys like it! I am very excited for this book x

Alright my loves cya!


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