Closet Confessions

Start from the beginning

I opened the door and saw a small package wrapped in brown paper with a note attached to it. I looked both ways down our prison shaped hall and walked back into my room with the package, closing the door with my foot on the way. I took the note off and opened the package, a fake white rose sat among the paper. I smiled and opened up the note:

Here's a flower to get you to text me- Vic

The fact that he gave me a flower just made my heart hurt and I don't know why. I guess because no other guy who I was interested in bothered to even smell good let alone buy me a flower, fake or real.

I was giddy by the time Alex showed up but I wasn't about to rub it in his face; the poor guy probably doesn't want to think about anything romantic, that's probably why he picked A Clockwork Orange to watch.

We laid in my bed, I assured him Zack and Tay would be at a party, and watched the movie. Alex, the kid in the movie, really was fucked up. Alex, my friend Alex, said that his dad loved this movie and that's probably where he got his name from.

"When you think about it I am like him... crazy." I gave him a sideways look before getting back to the movie. The awkward rape scenes were well...awkward. When Alex was put in that institution and they strapped him into the device to watch movies I got sick, an uneasy feeling sat in my stomach and my throat got tight. The treatment of the mentally ill really is astounding. Poor Alex...both Alex's this time. Confusion.

It came to be about 2am when I noticed that Alex was falling asleep quietly on his side of my bed. I wanted to be close to him, not really in a romantic way but just in a way that I wouldn't feel alone. I inched over to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I saw him give a soft smile before drifting off to sleep. This might be the perfect night, a really perfect night.


I woke up to loud knocking and slurred speech which means that Tay forgot her keys. I leaned up slowly noticing that I was sleeping on Alex. I blushed slightly but the realization donned quickly; Tay is at the door, Alex is in here. SHIT.

"Alex wake up," I whispered, shaking his shoulder until his eyes opened.

"What?" He murmured softly, trying to stay asleep.

"Tay is at the door, she'll freak if you're in here so go in the closet!" Alex sobered up from sleep quickly and got in the closet, squished against my clothes. I bite back a laugh; he could barely fit and this was pretty ironic. The closet door closed softly but the knocks got louder.

"Kelly bearrrrr open up you whorrrre." Wow how sweet is she right?

I opened the door and found her leaning against it, pushing her weight so the door slammed open. I haven't seen her like this in forever. It's not exactly a pretty sight.

"Guess what Kellin!" She slurred, putting her face inches from mine, her soft hair rubbing against my cheek, "I fucked Zackkkk!" Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Um that's great now go to sleep?" She listened. It's amazing how fast drunk people can fall asleep; I guess the booze gets tired at some point too.

The closet opened softly about 5 minutes later. Alex looked at me, looked at Tay's sleeping body, her covers going up and down with her breathing, and then walked out.

I followed. I can't leave him alone, he's my friend and I need to be there for him. Those words went through my head many times, like my own personal chant. He would do the same for me.

"Alex stop. Alex!" He picked up speed, sprinting out of the dorm building. I sprinted after him until he laid down in the grass breathing heavily.

"What do I do Kellin, what do I do?" He started to choke up, his lip trembling and his eyes filling up. My heart cracked in two. I didn't answer him, I didn't even know how to, so I did the one thing that would distract him, I kissed him. I pressed my lips fiercely against his trying to get rid of the trembling.

I need to help, I thought, I need to make him okay. He kissed back and the next thing I know we're laying in the sports field kissing like two horny teenagers. It was truly breathtaking.

We ended up going back and falling asleep in the study. The fact that Alex felt whole for even a second made me smile, his even breathing filling my ears. My head was against his chest and I fell asleep to his heartbeat.


We woke up about an hour later to the sun shining through the window and in our faces. I got up slowly rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. It was a beautiful morning, the sun was out, the grass was covered in a thin layer of dew and Alex was still next to me.

He sat up and looked at me. He truly is an attractive guy; his brown hair was ruffled from sleep. He looked so silly but like a sexy silly that made me want to jump on him.

"Good morning," He said in a sleep clogged voice. I smiled. "Listen Kells, I just want to be friends for now okay? I really like you but all this stuff with Tay..." he trailed off waiting for me to speak.

"I feel the same way though, this isn't what we need right now," I said seriously, because it wasn't. I gave him a faint smile "but that doesn't mean we can't stop hanging out." He gave me a smile and a hug and we went our separate ways, me back to Tay and him back to his own bed to sleep the weekend afternoon away.

I finally texted Vic. I was so nervous as I typed the message out, not wanting to sound too casual but not too desperate:

Me: Hey! Thanks for the flower you really didn't have to!

Vic Fuentes: Who is this?

Me: Do you give a lot of guys girly flowers??

Vic Fuentes: Is this Andy? Kyle? Jeremy??

Me: wow I'm hurt

Vic Fuentes: haha how are you Kellin?

I smiled at the white screen of my phone and looked over his last text. Kellin. I blushed at him even typing out my name; I might swoon if he says it out loud. SO GIRLY.

We planned to meet and have dinner together in the school cafeteria because hey we're in college and we're both broke. He said he would make it special though so I smiled and told him I'll meet him there in 2 hours. I shut my phone and looked over at Tay who was still sleeping off the booze.

2 hours to make myself look put together for this handsome stranger. 2 hours to not look like I'm homeless. 2 HOURS.


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