why JW.ORG?

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you may ask why did we make Jw.org? well throughout the years and centuries that Jehovahs Witnesses have been in exsistence, technology has changed. back in the years there werent cell phones, computers, tvs, tablets, and other technological things. Jehovahs Witnesses have one goal: go door-to-door and teach people about the good news, about Jehovah god and what he has to offer, but if technology wasnt good, if technology didnt exsist, how could we do that? well we tried our best and used the best methods possible to get the good news to everyone. it was hard but we did our best. now with newly and improved technology it has become easier to get to people. we decided to make a website that would be able to reach people in places we cant get to. Jehovahs witnesses are in every corner of the world, but sometimes countries prohibit our entrance. so with the new website we have been able to get to those people hungry for spiritual food! we created the website "www.watchtower.org" but we realized that name was harder for people to remember so we renamed it to "www.jw.org" which is still the name till this day! throughout months our variety of languages has expansed making Jw.org the most translated website in the world! with over  800 languages people from all over have been able to hear from us!!

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