memorial of Jesus' death

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Millions will attend. Will you?

I have a really exciting announcement ! We Jehovahs Witnesses conmemorate the death of Jesus every year after sundown. We hold a meeting at one of our kingdom halls explaining the death and life of Jesus and How it benefits us all. On the night before he died, Jesus met with his apostles. At that time, he introduced a simple ceremony, and he told them: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” They were to do so in remembrance of the sacrifice he was about to make in behalf of mankind.—Luke 22:19, 20.
So therefore we are obedient to his command, and do as he told. Last year almost 20 million people came to this event WORLDWIDE!!!!! The date of this event is FRIDAY APRIL 3RD, 2015. This event is celebrated in all corners of the world and it is completely free! You don't need to pay at all. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO COME. It doesn't matter where you live in the world you can attend in the city you live in! You don't need to travel long distances to get there. Just go to the link in my message board.

I hope many will attend I personally will and I am very excited!!!

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