our bible studies

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We Jehovah's Witnesses love everyone , and want the best for them instead of just worrying about our own necessities so we give bible studies. For a bible study to take place it starts off with us going to your door and offering you a magazine dealing with everyday problems or topics about god and life, and we could offer you a bible study if you are interested.

Now how does a bible study work? And why do we do them?

A bible study is when we come to your house, and study with you a book we like to call "what does the bible really teach?" And with this book the goal is for the studies to expand their knowledge of the bible and to really understand it because sometimes we can't understand the bible and with this book we can understand It better. Jehovah's Witnesses have all studied this book when we started and we now want others to study it too. The book is seperated in chapters and paragraphs and obviously we don't read the whole book or the whole chapter in one day . we study a couple of paragraphs with you, and we ask you questions that are in the book that are about that paragraph. You answer the question and if you don't know it it's okay we'll help you understand it, and we also read bible texts straight from the bible .

That's just a brief summary of our bible studies, and if any of you are interested comment! :)

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