1 | 5 ~ Oh my dots and spots!

Start from the beginning

Somehow Scarlett's voice gained a hard edge and she let loose a strangled laugh, one filled with sarcasm and cruelty.

This only caused Dominique to launch another punch, this time just below Scarlett's ribs where she couldn't do anything to lessen the force.

Scarlett bit her tongue, an attempt tried to keep the screams from leaving her throat, the bitter taste of blood filling her mouth.

"Fine, you don't want to talk? Then don't talk. Let's play a game instead, shall we?"

Scarlett narrowed her eyes at Dominique. "If you know so much about my whereabouts then I should be the one asking the questions." Dominique always had a thing for playing games with her victims. Where Scarlett liked to go in for the kill and finish the job as fast as possible, she wanted to have her fun by playing a game with them, but never the good and friendly kind. These games were brutal, deadly and involved violence, a lot of blood and no competition at all- Dominique always won.

"Come on, don't give me that look. It will be fun!"

"You and I have very different definitions of fun, Dominique."

Dominique scoffed and started explaining, acting as if Scarlett didn't just say anything.

"As much as I loved being your host this whole afternoon, you won't give me the answers that I oh so truly desire. You know how stubborn I can get, even if I have to say so myself, and I can only satisfy my needs by playing a game and getting the answers myself. The last thing I need is bad credibility when you go around on a killing spree with my men, but since I'm such a nice woman and you used to be my best friend... You can decide what game you want to play tonight."

"How generous of you." Scarlett's voice dripped sarcasm as she waited for Dominique's next words.

"I know right? So, what game do you want to play first? I have a lot of-"

"Do not get too hasty or excited with your vile games, Dominique. There will only be one game played tonight," Scarlett warned her as she felt around the edges of the ropes bindingher hands behindher back. She was starting to grow restless in this chair. Never in her life did she imagine herself tied to furniture. Maybe in the future when she was old and finally decided to settle down with a kink or two, but that fantasies had different circumstances.

Dominique scoffed. "That is very disappointing. I thought you would at least last a little bit longer than that, but if that's truly what you think..." her voice died off at the end as she smiled in triumph.

Scarlett only chuckled at the hope swirling in her ex-best friend's eyes. "Let us start the game first and I will show you exactly why only one game will be enough for tonight. The results will be... one big suprise for you, as always."

Dominique shrugged her shoulders before clapping her hands twice. "That is fine by me. For our first game we need a special guest."

Scarlett visibly paled as her eyes snapped to William who was slumped over in his chair, probably from all the adrenaline that caused his vagus nerve to pull too much blood from his brain.

Dominique followed Scarlett's eyes and sighed in disappointment. "Even though that's very tempting, no. He will not be participating in our fist game. However, I have high expectations for him in the second one. For now, my big friend over here-" she gestured to the guy who just entered the warehouse and took his position next to her "-will be more than happy to play with you."

"You are sick, Dominique!" Scarlett snapped, spitting on the ground near their feet as she thought of all the wrong things Dominique's "friend" had in mind.

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