Something wasn't right.

Kyoko wiped away her tears, " Alright mom.. if you say so..." Both of them could feel something strange about her parents. Merlin turned back into a falcon and stayed close to Kyoko. "Mom... Where are we going?" Her mother turned to her, a little annoyed, "We, are going to bring you out somewhere today! Since we didn't get to catch up at all for the past few weeks." Her smile looked forced, "while we're on our way, why dont you tell us about your trip to the hot springs! I'm sure it was splendid!" "Well, yeah it was pretty fun- Wait...." Kyoko paused, "I... didn't tell you anything about going to the hot springs..."

There was a moment of silence. Her mother smiled as she reached into her bag.

With a swift strike, she plunged a scalpel toward Kyoko, however, Merlin immediately pooffed back, taking the stab for her. He grabbed her mother's hand and squeezed it tight. Her mother gasped in pain as she dropped the scalpel. All of a sudden, the car came to a halt, making everyone jerk forward. Kyoko looked out the window, there was an unusual amount of mist surrounding them, "Merlin..." "yeah I know." Merlin kicks the door open and they both tumbled out. Her parents got out of the car, their pupils had completely faded, only leaving the white of their eyes.

Merlin got up, summoning his pair of butterfly swords, "Alright bastards, I dont know or care about who you are, but try that again and I will kill you." Kyoko's parents moved toward them, her mother twiddling with the scalpel in her hand. Her father didn't have any weapons however he too, just kept moving. "Merlin... I dont think they're imposters...", Kyoko mentioned, she looked around, but the mist was so heavy, it was hard to even see where Merlin was standing from where she was.

"Oh yeah?", Merlin readied his swords. "Yeah..." Kyoko stood up. "This morning, Mom was completely normal." "How would you know that?", Merlin asked, dodging each attack from both parents. "She called you Aka, if it was someone else they would've called you Merlin. In fact, I'm very sure while we were in the car, she almost called you, 'Horus'." "Someone's been paying attention, yeesh." Merlin dodged another attack, before grabbing Kyoko's father's wrist, twisting it around the back and pinning him down.

Kyoko moved to the side and leg swept her mother, cushioning her head with her feet before it hit the ground and stepping on her wrist to disarm her. "Child's play." Merlin stated, laughing a bit. "Well you did train me." Kyoko smiled, "So what do we do with them?" Kyoko's mother struggled as Kyoko held her down. "Tie them up. Use your lead.", said Merlin. "Ah.." Kyoko pulled her hairpin down, stretching out the ends of it, and used it to tie both her parents up.

"Honestly... I dont understand my lead. It hardly does much but stretch..." Kyoko sighed, a little disappointed. "Heh, well there are many things you can do with a stretchy hairpin." Merlin laughed. "I know but... what does it have to do with.. me? It's supposed to be something according to my resolve. For example, Licht's leads are his boots and piano. Mahiru has his spear. They all have something to do with their ideals and resolve... But mine's just a string...?" Kyoko crossed her arms. "Maybe you just haven't seen the full capabilities of your lead yet. The time will come.", Merlin patted her on the back.

"W-where are we?" Kyoko's mother stuttered. Kyoko turned to her parents, who had seemed to regain their consciousness. "Mom? Dad? Is that really you...?", She knelt down next to them. "Why are we tied up..?" Her mother looked at her, "Weren't we at the hotel?" "Yeah... something sorta possessed you... I'm not sure what happened... Dad drove us out all the way, but I can't see anything with this mist..." "Could you please untie us?" Her father asked.

Merlin and Kyoko looked at each other. "Not yet.", Merlin sighed. "Dad... did anything unusual happen when you were waiting in the car...?" "Well no, I just sat there. A guy wearing a cap did walk over and ask me for directions, but I would hardly call that unusual." Her dad recalled. "The man... what did he look like?" Kyoko asked. Her dad thought for a bit, "He...had blonde hair and was wearing blue sunglasses... but that's all I remember.."

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