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Today is my wedding and, instead of being the happiest day of my life, it is the worst. I feel like I'm drowning, like I can not breathe, all my dreams and illusions are going to the trash, and all this because of my mom... 

1 month ago...

I'm Mar and I am 20 years old and I live with my parents, my mom works in a prestigious company, and my dad owns a hotel in the center of the city, even though they give me everything I want, I don't really feel like they love me, they're always busy with work or hanging out with their friends

The only person that worries for me is my boyfriend, his name is Freddie, my mom doesn't accept our relationship because 'he's not of our class' like she says, but I don't care, I love him and that's what matters to me. It was early in the morning and I was in the couch watching TV when suddenly my mom called me, which surprised me because she's always working

"Mar, I need you to get ready today we're going with the Jackson family for dinner" 

My parents are close friends with the Jacksons they're always are hanging out, and honestly I don't like them, I'm tired of going to their house only because my parents want 

"Mom I already told you that I don't like them, I'm going to stay in home"

"Mar I told them that you were going to come with us, so don't be rude and get ready!" 

"Ughh mom I don't want to go!"

"It's decided you're coming with us!" 

I gave up arguing with her, I don't know why my parents like that family, I started to get ready since I didn't had other option. We finally headed to the Jackson's house and once we arrived we entered the house, Katherine and Joseph Jackson greeted us, their family is huge, and all of them were there, I only faked a smile and kinda waved to each one, I just don't like them, they're the type of family that thinks they are most than others just because they're rich 

Anyways so my parents and I sat down on the big table, Katherine and Joseph were beside us and they started talking with my parents while everyone was eating, I was so awkward because I didn't talked with anyone, I was just sitting there staring

After a long time, the dinner finally ended and we went back home, once we arrived I picked my phone and I called Freddie, in hope he was free to go out with me 

"Hi babe, how are you?" I said 

"Hi Mar, I'm good, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, actually I'm bored, are you free?"

"Yes, sure where do you want to go?"

"Maybe we can go to watch a movie?"

"I think it's ok, I'll pick you up then?"

"Yes please but, enter trough the back door, you know that my mom doesn't like to see us together"

"I know, Okay see you then"

About 15 minutes passed and he arrived, I walked towards the back door, I opened it and I entered Freddie's car, I kissed him instantly when I saw him

"I missed you so much Mar"

"Me too, you don't know how!" 

I kissed him once again and he drove to the cinema at that time it was 8:00 pm, we finally arrived and we got in the theater, we watched a movie of suspense I really didn't understand that well but I enjoyed being with him a lot

The time passed and it was already midnight when he brought me back to my house, before he left he was giving me a kiss, then my mom caught us and she was very angry, Freddie left before the situation got worse

Marriage by obligation | Michael Jackson storyWhere stories live. Discover now