Foolish Love

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I saw your tweets about her
I saw your eyes full of tears
I saw you took a glance at her picture
I saw you weakened because of fear.

Why do you still give her a chance to hurt you?
Even it's already clear she doesn't need you
Why do you still hold on to her promises?
When it's already broken in the first place.

You love pain and she loves to cause you pain
You are willing to take risks even it means vain
Another foolish love and you are insane
For always accepting her, here we go again.

I thought about you and me
Then I started to face the reality
It won't happen, it cannot be
Coz she is the only girl you want to see.

Boy, your story with her is ridiculous
Please wake up you don't need to suffer
If she won't stop and be serious
Your heart will sink and still she won't care.

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