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As we turn our backs on each other
Keeping away the memories together
As we walk for the future
I found out something, I discovered.

I learned a lot from you
A lesson for us to view
Time wasn't on our side
We loved each other at the wrong time.

We should understand that life doesn't always go on our way
Not all people we meet will stay
They'll leave, they'll stay away
It's okay, I'll always say.

Just like the two of us
Should we just forget about the memories of the past?
Would you treasure those?
Because I will, even though it'll break my heart the most.

As the fate changes
As I meet new faces
I still found you to them
You're really different from them.

I loved it when you looked at my eyes with yours
With love and passion before
It hurts me when I can only see coldness
What we had just turned into mess.

As I let go of the past
I won't set my feelings free
Not too fast
I just want it to be vanished naturally.

Now that I learned
Now that I realized what I really deserve
I'm bidding my farewell
I hope things will get well.

Goodbye to the person I used to love
What we have turns into what we had
Goodbye, I've been crazy about you before
I'm numb already, I can't feel it anymore.

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