"Step aside Sir." Jordon stopped him, pulling out his gun and knocking on the door. But just as his fist hit the door, it pushed open on it's own.

Jordon entered the room first, inspecting it for any threats while Xavier followed him on his tail.

"It's empty." Jordon remarking, noticing the barren room. He shoved the gun back into his coat before walking around.

"Raine!" Xavier called out, frustrated with her absence. But his call was left unanswered and the silence of the room drove his mind wild.

"She's not here!" Xavier claiming with defeat, ready to step out of the room.

"Wait a minute." Jordon stopped Xavier. "The bed is unmade, and the furniture is out of place."

Xavier paused, looking back at the room. Although it was empty, someone had for sure been there. The misplacement for furniture and wrinkles in the bed were evidence of that.

"Someone was here." Xavier stated. "Look around, perhaps we can find something."

"Yes sir." Jordon nodded, walking towards the windows. "I think they may have" He began, only to stop abruptly by the sight in front of him. "Oh my god!"

Xavier ran to Jordon, his eyes wide in shock when they fell on the man lying lifelessly on the ground. The blood had poured out of his body and was soaking the carpet. But that was not what terrified Xavier the most. It was the body's face, that had Xavier's hands trembling.

"Charles." He whispered.

"He's dead." Jordon announce, taking a quick pulse. "We must"

"RAINE!" Xavier shouted. "WHERE IS SHE!"

He began running around the room, searching for any signs of his girl. He searched every closet, the bathroom, and every single corner of the room but there was no signs of her. She was nowhere to be found.

Tears began welling up in his eyes and his heartbeat had escalated so quickly that he was afraid that his heart would give out. But nothing mattered in that moment.

All he could think about was her. If this was Charles' state, then what was Raine's? Where was she? Was she alright? Was she hurt? Was she dea—

No. She couldn't be. She had to be alive. She had to be healthy. She had to be safe.

He couldn't accepted anything less then that.

He could live with anything less than that.

"Fuck!" He cursed, throwing anything that came into his hands to the ground, destroying it.

Managing his anger had always been one of his struggles and he had never cared about it. But everything had changed once Raine came into his life.

She had calmed his reckless mind and controlled the boiling anger that had made it's home in Xavier's heart. She had pushed anger away so for and made room for love. She had filled all of the darkness with light but now that she was gone, all of the darkness was coming back.

"Calm down Mr. Thorn!" Jordon quickly got to his feet, trying hopelessly to prevent Xavier from damaging anymore of the property and corrupting the crime scene. "Raine's absence is proof that she is alive!"

But in that moment, nothing made sense to Xavier. He was losing his mind. She was gone and that was all that he could think about. His girl was gone.

His hands came across the plant that was located besides the door and without thinking twice, he grabbed it by the leaves, lifting it up and smashing it against the floor causing the pot to shatter across the floor.

Forever Raine ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن