Chp. 5: Setting Sights

Start from the beginning

The Nurse's visor was dim, and looked like it had been stitched back together with a complex, metallic silver thread. Did I do that? "Welcome back." The Nurse greeted him, opening the door to one of the larger cells. The layout of the place made absolutely no sense. Rake's eyes trailed off from The Nurse's visor to a gaping hole in her chest.

"Don't worry about it." The Nurse made a gesture to get in, exiting the cell herself.

Rake's left eye twitched as he took a step towards the cell. His vision became blurred, and he began seeing the world in a somewhat purplish light. "That's weird," Rake commented, rubbing his eye. Once he opened it again, the world was such an intensely dark purple that he could easily imagine himself swimming in it.


Feeling his lips moving, yet not speaking was an odd, eerie feeling. Rake tried speaking, yet instead another voice took over the gape in his mouth.

"It's happening again!" The Nurse screamed down the hall. Moxin, who was a ways away at that point, could be heard darting through a nearby passageway. In an instant he was on top of him.

"What are you doing?" Rake's voice returned to him as he glared up at his brother; a flash of pain soon followed. Did he just stab me? A warmth in his chest became evident

"To me!" Rake coughed up scarlet blood. The lights flickered. Why would he stab me?

Moxin pushed against Rake, doing his best to pin him down. Rake's left eye twitched once more. This time, the vividly ominous purple became a brilliant violet, so much so that he could see the light from his eye bouncing off of his brother's straining face.

Dawnblade came flying through the hall, lightning caressing the cells around them. She landed into Rake's sprawled palm with electrifying energy; part of her going dark with a sort of shadowy essence. It was familiar, but neither of them had any time to think.

Rake bursted out from underneath Moxin, causing him to fall face-first onto the floor. His right eye radiated with a rage-induced scarlet, while his left was still shining with a brilliant purple.

Stop resisting. You're only making it worse.

Get out of my head!

This is an interesting way to see the world.

I get the purple, but why red?

I would assume it has something to do with what your mage did to you.

"Who was what?" Moxin leapt back to Rake, attempting to get back on top of him. "What is going on with you?" Moxin relented backward and kicked his brother to the ground.

Rake grunted, but instead of landing Dawnblade caused him to levitate back into an almost standing position by sending endless waves of electricity beneath him. The Nurse screamed in the distance, and Moxin slowly walked to Rake while his skin burned from the electricity licking at it, accompanied by a vivid singing noise.

I said. Get. Out. Of. My. Head!


"We need a plan." Rake was seated in the meeting room along with a disgruntled Moxin. Sydni, Maddie, and Nex were each there as well. They were all intentionally avoiding eye contact with one another. What's become of my crew?

You. You did this.

Shut up. You're not getting out.

"Yeah, but what are we supposed to do? We barely have enough power going into our oxygen generators right now, much less any to spare," Nex commented to no one in particular.

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