(1.) Running into Who-?!

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You crash your hand on to your bedside table and grab your phone, you quickly turn off your alarm you set last night. You glance at the time and start hating yourself for staying up late. Either way, you force yourself out of bed and to the bathroom, after your business, you brush your teeth, wash your face, and brush through your
(h/c)(hair color), hair. You throw on a clean T-shirt, still keeping on your pajama pants. Just so on the face cam, people will think you didn't just get out of bed. Then you trudge your way to your office.

You open your office door and flop on your comfortable chair, forcing yourself to stay awake, you long on to Minecraft. You get on a bedwars sever, just because your fans have been asking for it, then click on your recording button. "What's up you guys!
(Y/Yt/C)(your YouTube channel) here! Also known as (y/n)(your name)!! Here today for another bedwars video!! I know you guys have been asking for them, and I've been kinda lazy these past weeks and I'm SOOO sorry!" You giggle to yourself and smile brightly! "Let's not waste time you guys! Let's jump right into it!" You say that as you character jumps around then clicks the bedwars player on the sever.


"Thank you all for watching this video! I swear I'll start posting like I usually do, things have been kinda hectic! Anyways, I love you guys, make sure to like, and subscribe for more!!! BYEEE~~!!!" You then cut off your recording. You think about getting off and editing the video, but the next match was starting and you were already awake and ready. You couldn't help your self and you stay in to play another round. You log in and your random selected partner doesn't know you, (so there was no YouTuber freakout) but after a few minutes you notice the comments going wild. You get all giddy hoping it was you, who was noticed, but the comments just yelled "PRESTONNNNNN" You quickly look at the player names to find out, THE PrestonPlayz was on and playing! You're and huge fan of the pack, Mr.Woofless was actually your inspiration to start a YouTube channel. Its kind of a secret tho, you don't know why but for you it's just would seem weird, people would think your are just copying the pack, and you'd hate that misunderstanding.

After around fifteen minutes, you look to see who's left, all the beds are broken and there are only two teams left, pink (you) and green. Your teammate already died and you were left, supposedly there was only one green member left too. You stack up on OP items and plan to just go over there and kill the dude. But when you get close enough to see the name tag, you couldn't help but to smile. You click on your recording, not to publish on YouTube, but maybe to show to some friends if you ended up killing him. You type In chat-

(Y/yt/c)- hehehe... Ready to get wiped out!

You could tell he read it when he's avatar stopped.

PrestonPlayz- I don't know, are you?

You smile brightly, too brightly, you can feel your check hurting but you can't help yourself.

(Y/yt/c)- bring it on!

You see a quick Ender Pearl and you and you know he's on he's way. You prepare yourself withing those seconds and once he landed, the battle began. You both had enchanted diamond swords, you look down at you health, it's quickly going down, you get scared. Then BOOM! In green it said "YOU WON!" on your screen. "YES!!!" You yell out of excitement, you then stop your recording and go to spawn, hoping for a screeny. When you text him in chat for a screeny, he quickly excepts-

PrestonPlayz- I mean, you beat me, I can't say no!

You wait for him, and when he shows up he allows you to take a few screenies.

(Y/yt/c)- thank you so much!

PrestonPlayz- np! How long are you staying, wanna make a party and win a few, I'm not recording rn.

Your heart stops.. THE PrestonPlayz just asked you to play bedwars with him!! You know that you should be editing right now, but you CAN NOT pass this up!

(Y/yt/c)- I'd love to!

Only a few seconds after you get a request for the party, you quicky accept.

PrestonPlayz- hey... Do you have discord by any chance?

(Y/yt/c)- urm, yeah, it's (y/d)(your discord)

You played it off cool in chat, but you were so freaking out! He's avatar doesn't move for like 2 minutes and you sit there akwardly, hoping he didn't leave. A few seconds later your phone it buzzing. You were getting a call from PrestonPlayz on discord!! You freak out, but quickly clam yourself down to seem cool and pick up
"What's up! I hope you didn't mind me calling! I'm seriously bored" Preston says.
"Oh dude, no problem at all! Wanna play bedwars now?" You answer, trying your best not to freak out like some fangirl.


"You're really good at bedwars! What else do you play?" Preston says while on the other side of the map sneaking in on a base. "Oh.. well I kinda just do everything and anything the veiwers wanna see y'know, like hide'n seek, egg war--" you got interrupted. "Viewers?! Wait wait wait.. are you a..-" Preston says, obviously confused. "Yeah.. I am, I mean I'm not TOTALLY popular, but I'm sort of known, y'know." Trying not to get embarrassed or slurr your words, you get that out. "Dude! What's your channel?" Preston said, surprising in an interested way. You get a bit scared but you but on your tuff guy act, "hehe.. it's, er um.." You just embarrassed yourself and you know it. "It's (y/yt/c).. hehe.." You finally get out. "Don't mind if I look it up later do ya?" Preston said with he's laugh afterwards. "Oh! Not at all Preston! Not at all.." You say as you begin to smile.


"Anyways, I got to go edit some videos, I'll text you on discord later okay!" Preston said. "I gotta do the same! I'll talk to ya later! Bye!" You said that just in time. You heard him hang up. You start breathing hard, with excitement of course, you are so happy right now! Nothing ever could let you down, well that's what you thought til' you looked at the time, "Shoot!!" You said, you haven't edited a single thing and you have to post a video soon. You are always a last second person, but this was too far..

Okay, before you start thinking you got pranked and this is actually a Preston x Reader, IT IS NOTTTT. You just love watching he's, and the packs videos and It's just how I want it to start out. Also I'm not a very good writer so thank you so much for reading!!!

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