Just Something Creepy

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December 2018
Mey's current age:5
Kai's current age:2

Since Mey started kindergarten back in August, she has been doing really well both in school and with not having any more incidents. She does well with other kids, and has many friends. She also goes out of her way to help the teacher. (Idk where she got that from, lord knows I never did that)

She doesn't really watch anything out of the ordinary because we do monitor everything. So like most typical American 5 year olds, she watches PJ Masks, Umizoomi, Super Why and that God forsaken Paw Patrol.
Again, nothing out of the ordinary. I am telling you this to emphasize how weird and creepy what Mey said actually was.

One day I was in the kitchen cooking dinner. The oven was on and the smell of the roast was present in the house. Mey mentioned many times how good it smelled which I thanked her for.
While in the kitchen, Mey stops doing her homework and comes inside then stands in front of the oven. She doesn't open it, just looks at it. For a while.
After about 30 to 40 seconds of just staring, I open my mouth to tell her to get away from the oven but before I can she stops me and speaks first.

"Mommy, I can still hear the baby screaming in there."

I didn't know how to react so I reacted with agression which maybe I shouldn't have. I yelled at Mey told her to stop saying creepy things and to go back to doing her homework.
She just scurried away with nothing more than a simple "ok Mommy" and finished up her homework.

She could have meant the baby as in maybe the "animal" baby but at this point, and with things dying down with her, I was scared to ask so I left it alone. Thats what they tell you to do if you want your child to lose this "gift" or whatever it is. Just leave it alone and don't hone it, soon it'll go away by itself once the child learns to reason reality from fantasy.
Mey starting school is helping that, I just hope it helps faster.

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