Too Close

763 61 60

March 29 2022
Mey: 8
Kai: 5
Penryn: 2

So, to add on to my previous entry, I saw something going into the main bathroom.
Since then, I've been seeing it more often but because it looks like something out the corner of my eye I brush it off as nothing. Whenever I look  into that direction, I see nothing or it's a random object.

On this particular day I was in one of the living rooms playing  game on my phone. Mey was doing her work in the play/classroom and Penryn was taking a nap.

After a few minutes of being alone, Kai comes to sit next to me on my right. To my left is the dining room and behind me leads to the entry of the house. The couch I was sitting on is in the middle of the room with nothing behind it. (This is important.)

Anyway, Kai is leaning against me watching me play and then I see Mey come into the dining room. Shes suppoed to be doing her work but I'm a bit tired so I let it go. I don't tell her to go back to the playroom yet. I figure, this could be a good time for a break.

After standing there for a while, shes walks up to me and is now standing to my left.

I now have both kids on either side of me watching me play my game.
After a while, Mey tries to sneak behind me so she can run away and go to her room to play with her tablet or phone.

I turn around quickly...only to see no one there. Thinking I've gone crazy I start to question myself. I never turned my head to look at Mey. I only saw....something...out the corner of my eye.

I start talking myself down until Kai asks "Where did Nok go?"

Pardon my language but who the f*ck is Nok?? Well I have no clue.

"Who's Nok?" I ask Kai hoping he...might have randomly named one of the characters from the game I was playing or something. But no, Kai pointed behind me.

"He was right there. Watching you play the game too."

Saying I was scared is an understatement. It's one thing to see something then call it a trick of the light  it's another thing to have your son not only claim what you saw was there but it has a NAME.

I didn't know what to say to that. I saw something and Kai confirmed that it wasnt "nothing".

"Is...Nok a good guy or a bad guy?" I asked once I finally got my voice back. Because at least this way, I'll know if whatever it is, hurts them.

"He's a bad guy." Kai said.

"How is he bad?" I asked

"Um, he's a good guy. In the morning. But not night." He answered. Well, I didn't like that answer.

I got up and went to the playroom. Mey was there fishing up her work and hadn't seem to have left the room.

"Mey, did you go use the bathroom?" I ask just to be sure.

"No." She answered.

So she had been in the room the whole time. What I saw wasn't her unless she was lying which I don't think she is. Then, I decied to ask her about Nok.

"Mey, who is Nok?" I asked

Mey looked at me with her nose scrunched up. Without her having to me, I knew she didnt recognize the name. I felt relief but it was short lived.

"Oh!" Mey said, with her eyes cleaning up. "That's who Kai said he's scared of. It's why he won't sleep in our room anymore. But don't worry, Nok isn't real and Kai is lying."

Is he lying though? I can't deny I saw someone this time more that that whatever it was go so close to me that we could have held hands.

I don't know why "Nok" is a "badguy" or why Kai is scared of him but I have to believe now that Nok is real because I saw.

I don't want to keep moving. I don't want to keep seeing things. I don't want my kids to be scared to sleep in their own room. I just want peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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