Therapy session

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I have a few questions for you

First off have you ever done anything you really regret?

If so don't be afraid to tell me I promise I won't ask you what it was.

How'd it make you feel?

Did you feel less worthy?

Did you feel guilty or depressed?

There is a way out of that guilty hold.
Don't let it consume you.

Are you looking for happiness?

Do you feel lost?

Do you feel as if you don't deserve happiness?

If so there is way to take away that pain and it doesn't involve anymore pain to get it.

God is waiting arms open for you.
He is always there.
If you ever feel unworthy of love.
God will welcome you with open arms.
It doesn't matter what you did as long as you put your faith in him and remember that his son took away all your guilty doings so that you might live in eternal happiness.

If you need to talk please don't be afraid to

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