chloefisher the face of pure success, and love of pizza when your officially moved in. Come home joellane
📸 kalanileblanc

stephlachancee she still looks good sitting on the floor with a box of pizza she most definitely ate by herself.
annikaboron shush are you so gorgeous or what.
jgardnier272 how are you as skinny as you are?!?
lucygardnier don't hate on our baby girl please and thank you.
unknown80 momma bear come out^^^
joellane Beautiful as ever, I'm almost home.

I adjust my tie as I followed John T out of the bus and into the Dallas Stars hockey arena. I had been getting nervous for this game, I don't know why I hadn't been nervous for our last two games so coming to Dallas shouldn't have made me nervous, I had been shifting in my seat on the bus ride here, moving from my fingers, to my tie to the gold chain around my neck which sat there since I was drafted, which everyone if not most seemed to wear in the league. I had annoyed most of my teammates as I shifted in my seat, them asking me if I was okay because they hardly ever saw me shift so much for a game, especially for Dallas who we had faced once this whole season. Dallas usually came to us as well.

I ignored the swarm of reporters as I entered the building, trying to keep my breathing controlled and focus on my music playing. It would be a shame to tell the guys what I listen to before games so I usually end up shutting down my music before I had entered the dressing room, but at the moment Avicii, I mean how could you not love him. His music his great and worse that we'd never get to hear anymore seeing as he had passed away almost what I think is four years.

I rip out my ear buds and start to shrug off my jacket, the room was filled with talk but a surprise I was rarely interacting with my teammates. I hadn't noticed I was zoned out while I got ready when Auston sat beside me, I give him a questioning look. "I should be the one giving you a questioning look. What the hell has gotten into you man? You've been shifty all morning and frankly I'm tired of seeing you all antsy"

"Honestly I don't know"I tell him as I tie up my skates. He sighs.

"Have you taken your meds? Damn I'm turning into a dad for you, I've already got Mitch"I suit jacket was thrown at Auston and landed on his head. Auston rips it off "it's the truth Mitch"

"You love me" Auston only replies with a hum.

"I took my meds"

"Okay, the new dosage hasn't made you like this before so could it be that?"

"Can't a new rookie just be nervous randomly?" I snap, Auston stares at me and chuckles slightly.

"Fine, but I'm always here. I know how it feels"he pats my back and stands up, throwing Mitch's suit jacket back to him. I hardly ever had good talks with Matts because he firstly sucked at them and second we never had a best friend relationship I guess, we are mutual friends. He'd give me rookie advice here and there and that would be it.

Coming back home to Toronto with one win under our belt kind of sucked. We played three games in the last week, we couldn't have won two. We were close to winning the Dallas game but fell short. I knew we would get it later on from Coach on our first day back at practice. I enter the apartment quietly, seeing as it was super later into the night, more like early morning. We had left right after our game in Dallas, only god knows why honestly. I set my keys down on the kitchen counter, dropping my bag down slowly as well. I turn on the back kitchen lights and open the fridge, I smile to myself as I see it stocked. I guess that will be one perk of Chloe living with me.

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