part one

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dairy entry #1

ohkays so my mum just brought me a diary because she thought i had "problems".

so this is a diary so lets start again:

dear dairy ?

well hello my name i hazel, hazel michelle smitha. this seems kindah weird writing like i'm talking to a book, but yeah it's a dairy so i can write whatever i want right ? so umh yeah my names hazel, wait i already wrote that, but yeah, i go to sunburn park school, i'm a sophomore. i just moved here and i hate it. all the girls hate me no idea why and all the guys want me. i know all girls would want the guys all chasing them but i dont. i'm the kind of girl who just likes to hang out online, go on tumblr, reblog some photos, go to the beach, go for a swim, or just play some soccer with the older cousins. but now that i'm not in melbourne anymore i cant do that. i have no friends and no one even wants to talk to me. i haven't even told you why i moved here, well my mum got offered a new job to do with event managing so she organises music festivals, concerts and just stuff like that and my dad also got asked to help out his best friend with a job and that all happened to work out becuase they both got a job in the same area. so that was good for my parents and my older sister who is 20 is doing some sports thingy at this expensive academy that was either here or in new zealand and since my parents were going to move here for work she decided to come her instead of new zeland. i have a baby brother that could just walk and he'll be going to childcare. i've been to school for a week and i've already ran out of clothes to wear. in melbourne we had school uniform and that was easier but here i have to go through all of my clothes that i had brang up with me and they werent clothes good enough for school. 

my mum is now calling me to do something so yeah, dont know when i'll be back to write again but until then,

from hazel 


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