She stared at herself, trying to fathom what in the world was happening, when she heard steps coming up the stairs. She attempted to move quickly, but froze when she saw Klaus come into her room.

He didn't appear to see her though. He only gazed upon her sleeping self. He held a black velvety jewelry box. She realized that it was the box that held her bracelet. Her eyes grew wider in the realization that this was the night that Tyler had bitten her. After Klaus had healed her. She looked at the neck of herself on the bed, and breathed out in relief at seeing no wound.

Her attention turned back to Klaus. He now stood right next to her dresser, nervously rubbing his thumbs over the box. Caroline could feel all his emotions. His concern for her, his confusion about why he was doing this. Sitting down near her feet with a sigh, he took out a long white ribbon and began to tie it around the box. She watched in fascination as he delicately finished it off with a box, and then stuck a small note in its folds. Leaning over the sleeping Caroline, he placed the box on her dresser. The sleeping Caroline murmured something in her sleep, making Klaus back away for a second in surprise. Caroline had never seen him so nervous and fidgety. He gazed at her, a soft yet determined smile on his face. His hand came up to tuck some stray blonde locks out of her face. And in a flash he was gone.

Caroline was in her room for only a few seconds longer before she felt herself being pulled back, like a huge gust of wind had found its way into her room. Her vision lost clarity and with any knowledge of how it happened, she was back in the limo, pulling her face away from Klaus' neck.

"What was that?" she asked in a daze, the blood still dripping down her face.

"Just a little taste of what a marking is," he replied, kissing the blood from her face. "When one vampire marks another, he opens up his mind to the other, allowing them to feel everything they felt in certain memories, or in the moment. For me personally, I can't wait to see what your hidden emotions show."

He kissed her again, taking in her fangs. She pulled back, remembering that her face was still in its hideous form.

"What is it?" he asked concerned, wondering why she suddenly was objecting his affections.

"My face...I'm sorry it just looks hideous like this," she muttered in her hands, trying to cool down her emotions so her face would return to normal.

"Caroline...Caroline, don't change and look at me."

His sudden demanding voice frightened her and she instantly uncovered her face, letting him gaze up at her.

"You are beautiful, Caroline. You cannot help that you are a vampire. This is what you are and you must find pride in it." His fingers traced the veins and touched her fangs lightly. "You must remember that I love you for who you are, including this beautiful form. Do you understand?"

Caroline nodded faintly. Her mind was still processing that this was the first time someone was calling her beautiful in her vampire form. Something about that made her love for him even more powerful.

"Are you less jealous now?" he asked, opening the limo door to get out.

Caroline rolled her eyes and followed her Klaus out to the mansion.

The moment Klaus and Caroline entered the house, tensions were high. Elena, at least, was happy to see her and hugged her tightly. Elena was smart enough to stay far away from Klaus, who was attempting to be civil towards the Salvatores.

They hosts led Klaus and Caroline into the dining hall, where the other Originals and Bonnie where already seated, sipping on champagne. Kol seemed to be the only one enjoying himself, trying to ask Bonnie questions about her life.

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