chapter 8

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*vic pov* ---just a small filter, sorry for the filters, next chapter will be a real real chapter--

i wake up,put on some jeans and make my way down the hall. "you're up!" mike says with a smile

"ya, i am" i say lightly smiling back

"im going for a walk" i say as i grab my jacket and start walking down the street.

i look around at the grass and the trees, kids running around in the yard.

i sit down on a hill near some park and take my phone out.

i open the internet and google 'easy way to escapre rehab' nothing comes up but articals on lindsy lohan, i sigh and i lay down.

what can i do to get kellin out?

maybe when i see him he will seem really happy and they will let him out.

what could i do to get in there, i dont want to do something to insane. or maybe i do.

*Kellin pov*

"its group therapy time" a guard says and i give him a weird look as he opens my door more.

"its Saturday" he states

"we didnt have one last Saturday" i mumble

"thats because we gave you guys a week off" he says and then im being dragged into a huge room, i sit down in the seat in between alex and alan, this circle is pathetic, it looks like an oval. 

"so how are you guys feeling today" Dr.Way asks everyone says 'good' well except for me, vic is gone, i just want to get out of here and go outside into the world with him.

"this isnt the same without oli" jaime randomly says and i turn my head fast to look at him

"you didnt even know him!" i say and he rolls his eyes at me

"yes i do, and its your fault he isnt here"

"it is not! he left me! i didnt give him the drugs! i didnt make him move!"

"well maybe you did" and thats when i lose it, i run out of my chair and i push him over, repeatedly kicking jaime until im being pried off of him and carried out of the room.

"YOU BITCH!" i yell at jaime before im out the door and taken into a new room, different than my own. its all white in here, unlike the other room that was barley a white and more of a oldish house, paint comming off making the wall brown color. and before i know it, i feel something sharp hit my neck and it gets deeper and deeper in, i yell in pain, but i cant even hear my own yell. my eyes getting heavy. closing slowly.

Hospital for souls -Kellic-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن