Chapter 6: First Date/Spying mission PT.1

Start from the beginning

Chifuyu and Ms. Yamada are outside of class watching the students before the bell rings. They watch as Y/N and Kanzashi are talking to each other.

Chifuyu: "I'm really happy for Y/N you know. Especially Kanzashi, before Y/N was in her life she was always getting picked on and the students just avoided her completely."

Ms. Yamada: "I know, I actually asked students to talk to her but she just ignored them or was to scared to talk. It hurt seeing her like that, but since Y/N entered her life it changed extremely but in a good way."

Chifuyu: "It was kinda the same for good ol Y/N back in the States, when I went to his school lots of students didn't talk to him except for his four best friends. When I talked to them they said he was so sweet and kind they all considered him as a baby brother of sorts. When ever he did get bullied they protected him and who ever the bully was the literally faced the embodiment of wrath from those four. Now he is doing the same thing thing they did for him but he found someone at the same time."

Ms. Yamada: "You definitely consider him a little brother don't you."

Chifuyu: "Yes I do, and it actually broke my heart seeing him sad when his four friends left."

Ms. Yamada: "What! Why did they leave him?!"

Chifuyu: "Well first they were a class a over him so they graduated a year earlier then him, and they join the US Army, or Marine Corp can't remember which. When that happened the bullies went back to Y/N."

They both look down sad and Chifuyu clinches her fists.

Ms. Yamada: "He didn't have his protectors anymore."

Chifuyu: "But one thing did come out of it. Y/N realized he can stand on his own two feet and fight to protect himself or others. It actually made me happy that he fought for himse......"


Chifuyu: ".....Well I guess story time is over for me."

They both look back at the class and see all the students getting ready to leave for the day and Kanzashi gets off Y/N's desk grab their stuff and they walk out while holding hands.

Ms. Yamada: "Those two are so into each other you know. But they make each other happy and that's what matters."

Ichika walks by his sister and talks to her.

Ichika: "Those two are so happy together. Do you think they'll go to bigger heights in the relationship?"

Chifuyu chuckles and agrees with her brother.

Chifuyu: "I think they will, know those two I have a feeling they might get married if they had a chance to and maybe have kids."

Chifuyu has a small silent moment and she gets red faced and puts her hand on her face and holds it there.

Ichika: "Uhhhh Chifuyu are you ok?"

Chifuyu: "WHENYOUROLDER! Now just go back to your dorm please."

Ichika gets confused and he walks back to his dorm while Chifuyu is still red faced and still facepalming herself.

Chifuyu: "Oh god why did that pop into my head? That just took the wind right outta my sails."

Ms. Yamada: "Ok Ms Orimura what did you just Invision?"

Chifuyu: "Are you sure you wanna know?

Ms. Yamada: "Yeah you got me curious."

She gestures her to come closer and she says something quietly.

Chifuyu: ".....I just seen those two in bed together having sex......."

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