The second session

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The battle starts today. Each player shall follow these rules.
Follow the yellow line to a ship, choose your weapon wisely. Fight the pirates to achieve the wheel of the ship. Sail to ship wreck cove to find Calypso, but you must go through the venom river and find the water fall to lead you to her. Once you have found her, she'll give you a question.

"Question?" A pirate laughed.

"Let him speak!" Elizabeth, the host, said.

The question will decide weather or not you deserve the role as a Pirate Lord.

"Easy." Another pirate added with a sigh.

Katrina was confident and ready for action. Her mom looked at her in fright of this game to kill her daughter.

The sound of the horn means the game has begun. Hearing the sound of the horn, Katrina quickly ran to follow the yellow line which she was ahead of 6 players and behind 1. She ran to the ship breathing heavily choosing her sword.

"A sword?" A pirate said.

"How boring! Lass is gonna die!"

Surprisingly, Katrina back and fourth armed down every pirate. With kicks, punches, and her arm moving side to side with her sword made her come to the next step. She took the ship and vanished to Ship Wreck Cove right away. The pirate was still ahead of her.

"C'mon lad! This ship won't go fast by itself!" Katrina said panting.

She was so focused that Elizabeth started to worry.

"Oh Will! Will she be alright?" Elizabeth said to Will.

"She's our daughter, a Turner, she'll be alright." He said with a convincing smile with hope that Katrina would win but more, survive.

"Move it lassy!" One pirate said.

"Not on my watch!" Katrina said firing the cannons.

The boat sank and that pirate had died. 5 behind her and 1 ahead. Katrina still didn't give up, she arrived at Ship Wreck Cove to find the venom river. She actually followed the man in front of her but little did she know that she can't step on the mud. The mud was poisonous. A pirate behind her pushed her as he went ahead of her and the other pirate and lanes in the mud. Not even a second later, the man died. The man and Katrina stayed in shock.

"Uh, I'm John. How do we get through this?" The man said scratching his head.

John? Katrina looked up to see it was John Rojas her High School crush.

"Uh, Katrina.. And I don't know."

"Katrina? From High School? Turners daughter? King Elizabeth daughter? You're the princess of the Caribbean Sea?"

"Caribbean Sea? It's a Kingdom?"

"Not exactly. The Caribbean Sea is controlled by the gold heart. Although it seems to be the Turners blood runs in the Caribbean Sea."

"But how come my family isn't aware of it?"

"Turners do not believe in the myth. The only proof there is, is that Calypso accepts the Turner. Calypso will seek into the heart to find the golden one. Out of all pirates, there is only one Golden Heart."

Katrina started to think, "Am I the one?" She then looked up to see vines.

She stared at it for a while and both her and John quickly jumped and swans of them across the river.

Katrina Turner: Pirate QueenWhere stories live. Discover now