"Oh my God, I can't do this," I say as I put my head in my hands.

"Sweetie, did you say something?" She asked as if she wasn't sure.

"Yes, I did. I tried to tell you several times, but you kept going on about your international booty call. If you actually cared about what was going on, you would have listened to your messages. You would know that I fell out a window and nearly died. DIED. You know what that means, right mom? I means that I wouldn't be here to listen to you go on and on about starting a new family while you treat me like a failure from the last one."

"I do not appreciate that tone, young lady," my mom said into the phone.

"I don't care anymore. Go live your double life like I don't matter to you," I mumbled.

"Double life? What are you talking about?"

Before I could even speak, a voice rang clearly through the phone. "Elenore, who are you talking to?"

"No one. It's just a wrong number," she said robotically.

I chuckle lightly as I shake my head. "Double life my ass. Go. Pretend like I don't exist. It's not the first time," I say as I end the call, tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

I nearly threw my phone at the wall, but I opted to just letting it slip through my fingers. This was the first fight I had with my mom, and I very well knew that when she comes back, I didn't want to be here.



I did not understand what I had just witnessed, but I'm pretty sure it was what was left of a small family falling apart. Hattie just sat on her bed with her head in her hands, but I couldn't tell if she was crying.

When Hattie was in the shower, I came back into the house through the kitchen door. The entire time I was out there, I just paced back and forth trying to think of ways to get back at her, but after what just happened I forget about all the material I had come up with.

Seeing Hattie like this was strange. She was always so tough. Whenever I would do something awful to her, she would stand her ground. Now she just looked so small. Broken. Defeated. I had no idea what was going through her head. Unlike her, I still had both my parents in my life. My life was stable. Hers wasn't. Where I had people to talk to, she didn't. She just let it bottle up inside her until it explodes.

Like now.

I push the door in and clear my throat to get her attention. Her shoulders stopped shaking as she looked up at me. There were tears streaming down her face.

"What do you want now?" She asked, her voice was scratchy.

I take a step into the room and looked at her. Seeing her like this seemed...wrong, and it made my chest hurt. She looked as if she would fall apart and crumble at me feet at any moment. I open my mouth to say something, but my throat instantly goes dry. Hattie looks at me as she waited for me to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, I grab a box of tissues that were on her dresser and hand them to her. She looked at them cautiously as if they were poison, but after a few seconds she took them.

"Isn't this the part where you say something mean?" She asked as she dabbed her eyes with the tissues.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You know, something like nobody loves me or that I'm such a disappoinment that I can't even keep one parent in my life. That I'm a waste of space."

"Stop that," I say a little to harshly, causing her to jump. I let out a sigh as I sit next to her on the bed. She didn't make a move, but she kept her eyes on me. "What did she say?"

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