C17: The Faithful

Start from the beginning

The first merchant she went to had looked at it stupid, asking her what in Hades it was – as had the second - but, the third had been a little intrigued. Swearing to only have one piece, she had exchanged it for some dark grey robes and then, used the drachmae to buy some dried meat for when the lycaon returned to her.

Chewing on it a little herself, she stumbled past the infamous Drakios, yelling the praises of the battle of a hundred hands and, the glory that would ensue - if one was to win. Avoiding the mans eyes, Eos found her way to the entrance of the battleground. As much as she had faith in the lycaon, if Laelaps was unsuccessful, perhaps she'd just have to put the word out for a brutishly strong mercenary and see if Akin's ego brought him to her.

It wouldn't be that difficult though. As the sun started to set, Eos spotted the lycaon in the shadows and, an even bigger one behind him.


"I feel as if I should be surprised" Deimos said, glancing behind him as he slowed his horse in to a trot, his hoplite and the other men who accompanied him turning their heads to their backs, wondering who it was he spoke to "Leave me" Deimos said to them, "Tell them their champion will grace them soon enough", his hoplite had nodded his head slowly, glancing at the other men who quickly did the same and then rode on. "Does she know of your broken promises" Deimos asked once they were out of earshot, looking to the shadows amongst the trees, "or, are you really like the rats who have nothing, but a greed for what others have",

"Can you blame me" Melaina asked,

"She would have given every moment to you willingly, I am sure" Deimos said, he looked back to the road as Melaina stepped out,

"Not every moment" Melaina said quietly. She took a deep breath. That was not why she was here. The past she and Eos shared, despite Eos' want to save her, a want that wasn't reasonable, it wasn't why she was here. Melaina took a deep breath, "Things such as that do not matter anymore",

"It does not" Deimos said, he turned his horse towards her, "What matters-" Melaina interrupted him and he gritted his teeth,

"What matters is that Eos will find herself in so much chaos that it will destroy her",

"Does that not make my life easier" Deimos asked, he smiled,

"We both know that is not the truth" Melaina said quietly,

"The truth" he smirked and threw his head back, looking to the sky, "Do you even know the meaning of the word",

"The meaning is not important. What is, is that Eos is on her way to Melos", Deimos looked at her, his brow raised,

"What are you playing at Melaina" Deimos asked, "Where do your loyalties lie",

"My head is much clearer now… I have seen the truth" Melaina turned away from him, her fingers fiddling with the air, "The Gods blessed me with a true sight before. A sight that I used against them" she spun around, "I know I must now make up for it".

"And" Deimos shrugged a shoulder, "If I kill you now, will your Gods save you", Melaina put her hands together,

"I suspect not but, you will not kill me" Melaina said. Deimos smiled and leaned forward on his horse,

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