Chapter 1: Hunting For Neo! An Encounter

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 1 of this story and by the the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) is at a table looking at a map as he marked where he found Neo as he looks all over the map that he has of Vale as he looks at possible places for where Neo could be hiding at as he looks at it thoroughly as he scans the image as he remembers perfectly about everything on the map at where he goes, then he looks at some monitors as he has cameras set up. Then he shakes his head as he gets up and he loads bullets in clips for his guns as he decided to go out into the town, he walks out as he grabs his mask...................
Owens: "Be careful out there."
.................he looks at Owens as he walks out wiping his hands..................
Owens: "I almost got the bike fixed, soon enough you'll be able to use it."
.................(Y/N) nods and he puts on the mask as he walks out and he puts on the hood of his jacket as he does.....................
(Y/N): (Just do what you can to help me; old man.)
.................he continues walking as he keeps his head down so people won't see his mask, then he looks to see a White Fang soldier walking in an abandoned building and (Y/N) follows him, he goes up the building and he looks in the window to see the soldiers and he gets his weapons out....................

Yang P.O.V

.................Yang is walking back to her bike as she got done getting some things as she is walking happily, then she turns a corner as she does she sees White Fang soldiers go into an alleyway as she follows them, she peeks her head in and she sneaks in. Then she texts Ruby as she lets her know and then she follows them still, then she sees them enter a building and as she gets closer she hears grunting as she looks. Then she gently opens the door as to her surprise; a room full of dead or beaten up White Fang soldiers.................
Yang: "Woah. Damn, who did all this?"
..................she walks in further as she looks at a lot of stolen supplies of dust, but was left untouched. Then she hears a noise as screaming is heard as a White Fang soldier rolls down the stairs and she looks up as she goes up the stairs and then she hears blows landing as she hears a heavy blow and a White Fang soldier screams as he hits the wall and he rolls down the stairs, then she goes further as she sees a guy interrogating a White Fang soldier as he had his gun pointed at his head. Yang looks close as she sees the guy wearing a mask and she remembers a woman saying that a guy with a mask saved them from White Fang soldiers and she knew it was him, she walks in silently as her foot bumped a empty bullet casing as it hits another making a clink sound and her eyes widen and he looks at her she gets in fighting position and he throws the soldier on the ground as he runs to a window....................
Yang: "HEY, WAIT!"
..................he jumps outta the window and then she looks out to not see him anywhere as she looked up to see nothing and she slams her fist on the wall..................
Yang: "Damn it. Who was that guy?"
..................she hears footsteps as she sees Ruby and the others run in and she walks towards them..................
Ruby: "Yang, what happened here?"
Yang: "I just came here and it was all kick this."
Blake: "They were beaten already as you came in here? *she nods* But, by who?"
Yang: "I know who, the guy from the bus job the White Fang were doing?"
Weiss: "The same guy did all this?"
Yang: "Yep. And I saw him, it's what the woman described; he was wearing a mask."
Weiss: "Looks like we got someone new here in Vale, doing all this."
..............they look around more and as they do, Yang sees the White Fang soldier the guy interrogated and she picks him up as he looks at her..............
Yang: "What did that guy want from you?"
White Fang Soldier: "I can't tell you or................"
Yang: *lifts him higher* "TELL. ME."
White Fang Soldier: "Okay. Okay, he wanted to know where Roman's helper is."
Yang: (Roman's helper? What is...........) *eyes widen* "Are you talking about Neo?"
White Fang Soldier: "Yes. That's all he wanted, that's all."
................she knocks him out and she now realizes; Neo and Roman were at that warehouse where the bus was taken as hostages were taken and he was one until he goth them. Yang returns to Beacon as she had that in her mind ever since then.....................
Ruby: "What're you thinking Yang?"
Yang: "This guy. First he fought White Fang Soldiers where Roman and Neo had them as he had them hostage, now he attacks a White Fang hideout to find Neo for some reason."
Blake: "Neo? Why her? Why is he interested in her?"
Weiss: "I don't know. After describing him, he sounds like a bounty hunter. I don't think we should trust him."
Yang: "Well, he did look at me and when he did he never attacked me. Never did one single attack towards me."

Neo P.O.V

................Neo is at another White Fang warehouse as she is on a support beam of the warehouse thinking of her encounter with the mysterious masked man, she looks at Roman as he is patched up from the gunshot wound he suffered from the guy. Then she sees a White Fang soldier run in terrified and she gets confused as she jumps down and heads towards him....................
White Fang Soldier 2: "Sir, he.......he came to the hideout."
Roman: "Who? Who did?"
White Fang Soldier 2: "That masked guy, the one that was there at the bus, he came outta nowhere and attacked us."
Roman: "Damn it, what is it with this guy? Why is he after us?"
..................Neo is confused as well, she wanted to know who this guy was and why he breathed hard as he looked at her, fish he wanted to find out she's gonna have to wait until she sees him again, so she can find out herself."

To be continued..................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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