Two Can Play the Game

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She did consider running...grabbing a few belongings and booking the hell out of London. The thought of seeing that stupid smirk spread across his face if she arrived as demanded tomorrow made her feel queasy.

But as she laid in her king size bed that night, thinking over her strategy, she concluded that running would be a stupid move. Caroline Forbes had learned a thing or two over her last months in Mystic Falls and if there was one thing that turned on Klaus the most, it was a game of chase. If she ran, he would only follow, eventually finding her and forcing her to move again. And there was no way in hell Caroline was going to explore Europe in constant paranoia of a persistent psychopath hybrid.

But that still didn't mean she was going to play by his damn rules.

The next morning, she dressed in some tight jeans and threw on a red blouse. After perfecting her already radiant face with some makeup, she grabbed the piece of paper Chloe had given her and headed out, quickly finishing off a blood bag for breakfast.

The time was 1 pm. Caroline found her way back to her coffee shop, smiling at the thought of the hybrid sitting alone at her table.

Finding a seat, she pulled out a pen and paper from her purse, and began to write,

Can you not take a hint? I think I made it perfectly clear leaving town that I do not want to have anything to do with you. Even if I wanted to have coffee with you, which sadly for you will never be the case, I have previous engagements. I believe I told you once that I like people and people like me. Well, that still is true here in London. Enjoy the view from my table and I'm sure one of your many hybrid friends will be more than happy to have a coffee date with you.


"Two can play the game, Klaus," she smirked as she sealed the letter. Not bothering to put his name on the front, she brought the letter up to the same waiter as yesterday.

"You will give this letter to Klaus Mikaelson at 2pm. He is the same man that ordered you to give me a letter. And also give him a message. Tell him, 'Game on,'" she spoke as her blue eyes dilated.

Leaving the shop, she took Chloe's address from her purse. She was suddenly feeling very giddy, and it definitely wasn't from the pleasure of seeing Chloe soon.

"Caroline, darling!" Chloe smiled before wrapping her arms around Caroline. Caroline almost sighed as she returned the hug. She hadn't realized how much she had missed the feeling of human contact since her departure.

"I hope I'm not intruding! I had the sudden urge to see you today and I had little time to try and call," Caroline stammered, realizing how rude she was being.

"Oh nonsense! I did only give you an address didn't I?" Caroline felt herself being pulled into the kitchen area of the apartment. It was small, but to Caroline it was perfect. Pictures of Chloe, a man, and a young girl are on the fridge and the room had an herbal smell.

"Your daughter, I'm guessing," Caroline asked, pointing at the girl.

Chloe looked up from where she was heating up some water. For tea was Caroline's suspicion.

A flush of pride crossed Chloe's features. "Elizabeth, yes. She's in the university now, studying science. I sometimes can't believe how fast she grew up."

Caroline smiled sadly. "Yes, have to make every moment count".

Tea was made and soon Caroline found herself telling Chloe all about her stay. Chloe was dismayed that Caroline still hadn't gone to see the theatre and demanded that Caroline go see a show before she left the city.

A buzz from her phone interrupted the conversation.

Caroline quickly brought out her phone and checked the ID. Unknown.

Her throat suddenly felt dry. He couldn't be him....could it?

"Do you mind if I take this?" Caroline looked up to Chloe.

Chloe waved a hand, answering, "Go ahead, I'll make some sandwiches for us while you chat".

Caroline made her way outside to the patio. Taking a deep breath, she clicked the answer key and raised it to her ear, prepared for the worst.

And the worst came.


"Hello love," Klaus' definitely not sexy voice filled her ear. He sounded amused. "I see that once again you have refused a kind invitation from me."

Caroline, determined to win, answered coolly, "How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways sweetheart...." He chuckled as Caroline growled through the phone.

"Why can't you leave me alone? I left to be away from you, not be chased by you!"

"Then, sweetheart, you clearly misjudged me. I'm a man known for his patience and for getting what he fancies...even if it runs away from him. Now I believe you know of the L'atelier De Joel Robuchon?"

"Yes...." Caroline muttered. One of the most famous restaurants in London.

"I'd like to take you there. This evening perhaps?"

"No," was Caroline's quick response. "No way in hell."

"Don't be difficult, love," his voice had changed to a lower more dangerous pitch, though to Caroline's dismay still sounded hot. "I'll be in front of your hotel at 6 this evening. And wear something suitable for dancing."

"How...?" Caroline was cut off by the line going dead.

Great. Just great. He found her city, her phone, and now her hotel.

Caroline let out an aggravated shout and stamped her foot, scaring off some young girls on the sidewalk.

It took all her will power not to storm back into Chloe's apartment.

"Was that a friend, Caroline," Chloe asked at the table, finishing up a sandwich.

"Oh, yes. Just wanted to catch up tonight with a meal, that's all."

"How lovely! I'm so happy London is working out for you Caroline!"

Oh yes indeed.....

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