Battle of Kuromorimine (Pt.2)

Start from the beginning

"Traverse Right! Right stick!" AJ stopped the tank and used its neutral steering to turn the tank fast. The gun traversed right and got on target, at the same time, he saw the panther's gun training on him.

"FIRE!" Both tanks fired simultaneously, the panther's shell, being more high velocity, penetrated the hull of the Pershing, killing both the driver and bow gunner. The shrapnel also started a fire inside the tank. Leon was out the tank, trying to get the gunner out of the tank. He struggled and just as the loaders hatch popped open, the ammo cooked off. A stream of fire erupted from the commander's cupola and loaders cupola, killing both the gunner and loader. Leon was thrown from the tank by the force of the heat and he hit the ground.

The 90mm shell penetrated the upper hull of the panther, killing the gunner and loader instantly, while severely injuring the commander. The driver and bow gunner bailed out with minimal injuries. By the time Leon had come too, Hoshino was finishing up bandaging his arms and head. He felt a sudden sharp pain on the back of his head, most likely the fall had given him a concussion, he sat up to look in horror to see both the M26 and Panther burnt out. The Pershing was charred black, the Shield team logo was barely visible, and the "A" and "F" from the word "Waifu" were left on the burnt barrel.

"My...tank.... My friends....they're..." He began to tear up. Hoshino tried to comfort him, but it was no use.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." She said. Leon nodded, still crying. He got up and began to walk with her, towards Kuromorimine.

Shield 10/Anglerfish's position...

Mako woke up to find she wasn't in the Panzer IV's Drivers seat anymore. She was in the radio operators seat, she felt her head which was somehow bandaged up. The bleeding had stopped, and the tank was somehow moving. She looked over lazily to see that it was one of the JayPac boys in her seat. She was too weak to say something to him, so she looked out the window to see that there was a tank in front of them. A Sherman...Must be Saunders.... She thought. She leaned forward to see that it wasn't Saunders at all, It was one of JayPac's tanks. The Shield team logo and the flag on the rear gave it away. She could faintly hear Miho's voice giving commands to the driver.

"Get...out...." She said faintly. The boy looked over at her and realized she was awake. "'re in my seat..." She looked annoyed that someone was in her seat. Her vision and hearing were fuzzy, but she could tell that the boy was trying to talk to her. She just nodded and continued to ride quietly. She almost fell asleep but was shaken awake by an impact and abrupt stop of the tank. It felt as if the tank was hit by a very large sell of some sorts, but as her senses were not at their fullest ability, she couldn't tell.

In the Jumbo, Jay looked back in horror as the Panzer was burning. Whatever hit the panzer was big enough to immobilize it. He saw Miho climb out while Caleb was helping Mako out of her seat.

"Halt here. Traverse 180 degrees." The turret turned all the way around facing the panzer. Caleb hoisted Mako onto the Sherman, and she slowly got into the bow gunner position. Miho was on the engine deck, kneeling next to Yukari, once more. "Alright here's the plan. Were gonna fire off 5 Willey Pete rounds to cover our dismount. Were also gonna Put Yukari in my seat, and then were gonna bee-line it to the school!" Jay said. "They don't cal this an assault tank for nothing!" Miho nodded, and the tank rolled down the street.

The ride was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was more like a brooding, some real stuff was about to go down, like silence. It gave everyone time to reflect on their past decisions. Jay began thinking of his family back home in the states. No doubt he would want to go back, but seeing as the school was going to move, most likely he was going to have to stay here in Japan, well on the carrier. He thought of his brothers, how they used to fight over the stupidest things. And how his mother would always be the one to break them up. He remembered his first Sensha-do battle, when he was just a driver.

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