Shot 9-Justification!!

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Naksh was pacing in a bar, with several thoughts going through his mind. Since few days now, only one person occupied his thoughts, and that person was his wife, Keerti..

Their marriage had neither been an arranged one, nor a loved one. This was ... well it was complicated. Was it a convenience mariage ? Or maybe just to keep up families prestige? One thing was clear, they didn't really have a name to put on it. The circumstances in which they got married was particularly abnormal and mostly unexpected.
He was supposed to get married to Tara, Keerti's Elder sister. When he said he wanted to get married, everybody was shocked but pleased as he never believed in relationships. Everyone thought he was ready to settle down and lead a marital one. Things had changed to the wedding day, when Tara had run away leaving a note behind, where she explained he didn't want to get married .Then Keerti had agreed to marry him, but had said she was doing so for her family, and specially her dad.
Neither of them were in love with each other and had learnt to be cordial towards the other one. But they both had agreed to keep their situation to themselves and not let their families know about it.
That's how their marital life started and they were both accommodating . More time passed, both of them were getting used to each other and cared for each other. They were beginning to be good friends. Till today.
Naksh was confused. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. Well he didn't want to understand it, because he knew what it implied. For now, he didn't want to admit he was jealous because he knew it'd meant he was falling desperately and irrevocably in love with his wife.He wanted to get the scene of Aditya and her hugging in front of his Eyes and opened his drink and had multiple shots to let go the pain but still it ached more nothing could drive it out of his head and make him unconscious for a while..

He remembered the moments they shared when he kissed her he felt heavenly..The way she stood beside him every time in every situation...

He threw the glass to the attention a waiteress came to him..

"Sir aap teekh hai.."he held his shoulder to support ,but Naksh jerked her away and said aur lao in a intoxicated state and sent him away,he gulped as much as he could beyond his capacity nd stood rather fell down paying bill..

The taxi hailed to a stop outside the mansion gates and after paying the driver keerti walked inside briskly, my head held high. Yes I had mascara running all over my face, yes my hair was probably a mess and my feet were filthy from being barefoot but I could still walk in with my dignity. I needed to put a brave face on for Naksh; he needed to answer some questions.

I entered the house to find it empty . I walked furiously towards Naksh's door. I was done being his puppet; if he had done this intentionally then I needed to tell him that he needed to back the hell away from me and my life.

I threw open the door with more force than intended and wasn't prepared for the sight before me.I saw him on the couch drunk completely with a girl nearing him..I just wanted to push off that girl away from my husband..But he did that seeing me..

"Keerti I can explain..." he said but his face showed that he had no real explanation.

"Save it for urself Im just done with this nonsense of yours every single day." I slammed the door shut in his face and went upstairs, trying constantly to get rid of the image that was somehow permanently in my mind. I couldn't believe I had been so stupid. I had just left behind a man who loved me with all his being for a man who hadn't waited a few hours to jump into bed with another woman.

I was bound by this one piece of a jewellary to a man who would never love me. For that very man I had left behind the guy who would never stop loving me. My actions didn't make sense, my sense of duty towards Naksh and my loyalty for him baffled me. Hadn't he himself offered me a life which included Adi? If I'd chosen to stay at the apartment.
But now i felt so pointless wat love nest ,I was making in my dreams..He is still a moron my love cannot just change him the inner him I dint understand him all this while the true him actually..

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