20 (Epilogue)

29 7 11

(Present day)

"I love you too Yoongi"

"What are you thinking about?" he asked as he puffed out his cheeks as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"about how our life has changed. You know..."

"Yeah...from being friends to falling in love and now this"  he said as he gently turned me around, bent down and kissed the bump.

"Yeah" I said as I took his hand in mine, entwining our fingers with a smile.

"Yoongi! she kicked!" I said delighted at our daughter's little action to gain attention.

"Really?!" he said as he placed his palm over my stomach and felt her kick. He gasped, eyes wide as his face lit up with his precious smile.

He looked up at my face and smiled excitedly and the promise he made me was replaying in my head as we said together

"Always and forever, together."


~The End~

So that was it. Hope you enjoyed this book. And please don't forget to vote!

Until next time...
XO's 💙💙💙,

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