Just Another Problem

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"I don't know if we got to him fast enough." Will admitted quietly to the deathly silent infirmary.

Annabeth wiped her eyes, nodding. "But you did what you could?"

"Yes. This is up to fate now." He sighed, looking over at Percy's body. "I hate to say it Annabeth, but-"

"He has no luck with Fate. I know." She walked to the bed and took Percy's hand. He was pale, too pale, and she was terrified.

She was going to lose him again.

"Just as long as you did what you could." She finally choked out, squeezing Percy's limp hand. Even though she knew she wouldn't get one, she hoped for a response.

Will quietly ushered everyone out of the room that didn't have to be there. He'd had curtains drawn around Percy's bed to give the son of Poseidon a little bit of privacy.

Annabeth gripped Percy's hand tightly, letting the sobs out. "Percy, I don't care what happens, I need you to come out of this breathing. Please, if you have any way to come back, I need you to do it. I love you, Seaweed Brain."

Again, she thought she heard his voice. Whispering in her ear, promising he'd do what she was asking. She wasn't sure if it was just her hopeful delusions, but she clung to that whisper, holding her boyfriend's hand close to her heart as she cried and prayed to any gods she thought could help.


One Week: "No change, I'm sorry Annabeth."

Two Weeks: "His monitor spiked for a moment today. Nothing else."

Three Weeks: "Nico swears he saw Percy's hand move."

Four Weeks: "Nothing, I'm sorry."

Everyone was sorry. Even DJ had managed a polite apology.

Annabeth had punched him.

She kept hearing his voice when she sat at his bed, so she didn't care about the apologies. Steve or Bucky would sometimes force her away from the infirmary, but she spent most of her time there when she could.

"Come on, Annabeth, you need to get out of here for just an hour. I'll get you lunch, you need to eat." Steve insisted now, standing next to her. Annabeth forced herself to tear her eyes away from Percy's still form.

"His color is better today." She said quietly.

Steve sighed. "Moping around his bed won't help him, Annabeth. Either he makes it or he doesn't, you heard Will. Come on, lets get lunch."

Annabeth sighed and stood up slowly. She looked down at her sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. "Nowhere fancy."

"You think I've got the cash to take you to an upscale place?" Steve teased a little, offering her his arm. Annabeth smiled weakly and took it.

She was pretty quiet during lunch, and Steve didn't push her to talk. He was busy silently cursing the Fates for deciding that these two needed to take all of this, getting problem after problem piled up on their backs. Sometimes they had each other to help, but more often than not it seemed like they were separated and stuck with their problems, and no way out.

"I want to go back to the infirmary." Annabeth said finally. Steve nodded quietly and laid cash on the table to pay for their meal.

He wrapped an arm around her as they walked back, but Annabeth shoved it off when she saw Will bursting out the front door.

"Annabeth before you go in there-"

She shoved past him, darting down the main aisle of the room to Percy's little curtained off section.

His bed had been arranged so he could sit up, and a young orderly was helping him slowly drink a bowl of what looked like plain broth.

"Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed, running over to the bed. "Oh thank gods."

"Hi, Annabeth." He said with a small smile, but when he looked at her, something was wrong.

Annabeth frowned. "Percy? What's going on?"

Percy shrugged and looked at his hands, then back up at her.

She suddenly realized the problem, and it hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Oh gods-"

"I don't know what happened... Will might. I'm sorry, Wise Girl."

Annabeth shook her head, feeling tears well up. "No, it's okay. What's important is that you're alive and breathing. I love you."

"I love you too." Percy's sounded the tiniest bit hollow, and Annabeth's heart cracked in two. She squeezed his hand and then backed out of his little curtained room.

Will was silently waiting outside the building, clutching a thick wad of papers. Annabeth went to him.

"He doesn't recognize me."

"I know."

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