I Can't Stand You

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Third Person POV

Chiron called a counselor meeting while the Hunters got ready to leave. Thalia attended, looking smug and rather pleased with herself.

"What's got you so happy?" Annabeth sneered from her seat. Several people showed surprise at the way the daughter of Athena treated the daughter of Zeus who she had been friends with for the longest time.

"Artemis thinks she can catch him." Thalia smirked.

Annabeth leapt to her feet, leaping onto the ping pong table and trying to tackle the black haired Huntress.

"Whoa, whoa!" Clarisse grabbed her and yanked her back, putting herself between the two furious girls. "I'm all for violence, but what's the context?"

"Does there need to be one?" Annabeth growled.

"You just tried to attack one of your best friends. Yes." Travis commented from the corner where he had been standing, out of the way of any fighting.

"She," Annabeth gestured violently with her dagger and Clarisse ducked, but stayed where she was, "ruined my life."

"I ruined your life? Hah! I'm pretty sure he did that." Thalia sneered.

"Don't you dare blame him!" The blonde screamed back.

"Who is this, what's going on, someone please explain?" Piper had walked into the room, Jason on her heels.

"Grace decided that now in her life is the perfect time to become the snitch of the century!" Annabeth yelled.

"Wait, what did Thalia do?" Jason asked. "You two were super close."

"I helped her out of a sticky situation."

"No, you created the sticky situation! I waited years for him, praying I was wrong. I prayed long and hard that he hadn't died! And he hadn't! And just when I get him back, JUST WHEN HE CAME BACK, HE REMEMBERED EVERYTHING, YOU SCREWED IT UP!" Annabeth broke down sobbing.

Thalia glared at her. "I screwed it up?! You were going to join the Hunt! We were going to be sisters, for real! And then you ditched me for that no good, stupid piece of-"

"Don't you dare!" Annabeth whirled on her, glaring over Clarisse's shoulder. "You screwed it up and I know it was you because Artemis was the first god on the scene! What did you tell them, that there was a secret son of Poseidon?"

"Of course. That's what he is, isn't he?" Thalia smiled, thinking she had won.

"NO! It's not! He's older than Nico, for gods' sakes! He was no secret, the gods just forgot about him. They thought he'd died, same as I did."

"Wait, who are we talking about?" Jason frowned.

"Annabeth, you're in love!" Piper exclaimed suddenly.

"Yes I am!" She snapped. "Except my soulmate is now a wanted criminal thanks to the person I thought was my best friend."

"Soulmate? Yeah right." Thalia scoffed.

"Thalia Grace," Annabeth got a irrational ping of satisfaction from the anger that flashed through those bright blue eyes at the use of her surname, "have you ever heard the tale of how humans were created?"

"No." Thalia said slowly.

"They were made with two heads, four arms, and four legs. Zeus feared their power and separated them into two." Annabeth said.

"The two halves were destined to wander the earth in search of their other halves forever." Piper explained.

"He was mine. We could feel it. We fit together perfectly, we were just right for each other." Annabeth was crying again.

"Okay, what that Hades is going on, why am I here?" Nico walked out of the shadows. The first thing he saw was Annabeth. "Oh gods, what happened?" He turned to scan the room. "Where is he? I was gone for ten minutes, Annabeth, what happened to him?!"

"Ask her!" The daughter of Athena stabbed a finger at the daughter of Zeus.

"Thalia....?" Nico dragged her name out.

She just glared at him. 

"Fine, someone else want to explain?"

"From what I understand of it, there was a lot of partially coherent screeching, Thalia set Artemis on someone who Annabeth considers to be her soulmate." Conner said.

Nico immediately whirled on Thalia. "You monumental idiot!" He turned to Annabeth. "You haven't gone to look for him?"

"I've been grounded to the camp by the gods' orders." Annabeth scowled.

"I'm going to find him." Nico said shortly.

"What about the meeting?" Jason asked.

"Doesn't matter. That idiot has the worst luck in the universe, if I don't get there, something nasty will." Nico started towards the shadows, then stopped and faced Thalia. 

"You made the worst mistake of your life today. And you will regret it."

[A/N So Annabeth is stuck in camp and the Hunters are looking for Percy. It couldn't get worse, could it? Oh wait, yes it can. *evil grin*]

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