32 - audition

193 31 15

At the audition, for verivery

Hakyeon : where do you see yourself after 6 years

Dongheon, smiles and bows : I want to be like you. You are my inspiration.

Hakyeon : you are selected.

Ravi : where do you see yourself after 3 years ?

Hoyoung : in your studio, sitting next to you, composing music, while feeding butt.

Ravi, with teary eyes : you are selected.

CEO : where do you see yourself after 20 years ?

Gyehyeon, smirking : sitting in your chair at your office.

CEO, claps : you are selected.

Hyuk : where do you see yourself and your hyungs after 5 years?

Kangmin, giggling : them, beaten on ground and maknae on top.

Hyuk, shakes hand : welcome to the hell, little satan.

Sorry for very late update.
I was going through very hard time n still healing from it.
Forgive me.
I'll try to update whenever I can.

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