Laughing Jack x Jeff the killer

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Before you guys read this chapter i just want to say that this is a lemon so if that's not really you're cup of tea then i personally suggest you stop reading once you see the sign 'XOXO' because that's when shit start's to get dirty.  

Also, this chapter is actually based around a short yaoi manga by hlgurashi-massacre on Smack jeeves called "Lollipop my lollipop." 

I personally recommend you do not search his manga up!! Because not only is it 10x dirtier than this chapter, the site it's posted under is not secured.

Now, i personally didn't have any trouble while reading it, there were no pop up ads nor did my computer detect any virus treats- but i still recommend if you do search up the original yaoi, that you proceed with caution.

Now with all that said and done, i hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


 "Seriously.....what the fuck," is the first thing that came out of the infamous serial killer, Jeffery Allen Woods, mouth when he awoke in the monochromatic theme park.

'I really gotta stop wondering around the woods when i'm drunk,' he thought to himself as his pale white orbs took in the scenery around him. 

From the look's if it, Jeff must have wondered onto some sort of abandoned theme park the previous night when he decided to go out for drinks. 

Sighing Jeff muttered, "oh well...might as well look around..." 


"What's the big idea? The whole place is without power?! Where's the candy! Candy flows? And those fucking balloons?" Jeff angrily yelled to no one in particular as he kicked a near by empty soda can on the ground, it really shouldn't have been so surprising- this was clearly an abandoned area, of course there wouldn't be any electricity, and even if there was candy and treat's left over- it wouldn't been long since expired. 

"This is stupid," the raven haired teen muttered to himself as he stomped around- completely unaware of the eye's that followed. 

"Look's like someone found my little play ground," the figure spoke to it's self as it's long striped tongue glided around a lollipop it held in between it's clawed finger's. "Well, i was bored anyway's...i'm gonna break this kid, the Lj style," it cackled to itself before ominously disappearing completely within the shadows. 


Once again Jeff found himself at a loss as he passed by the same pin striped tint for the 10th time that day, 'man....does this place even have an exit? I can't seem to find my way around this place, no matter what direction i walk in i always seem to end up in the same spot. How the hell did my drunk ass even find this place?'

Jeff huffed in annoyance as he decided to take a quick breather, or at least he would've sat down to rest a bit- of it wasn't for the song 'Pop goes the weasel' start playing off in the distance by what sounded like a squeak box. 

"Where the hell is this shit coming from?" Jeff asked to himself as he followed the sound, which in return led him to a cone shaped tint with monochrome pin strips. 

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