Helen x Dina (part 1)

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You guys may have already noticed this but i've changed the story title from "Unbreakable (Ticcijack yaoi)" to "Unbreakable (Creepypasta yaoi/yuri one-shots)."

And the reason for that is simple- i'm turning this story into a series of varies story stories of ships within the pasta fandom.

You guys may have also noticed that i've gone back and deleted the original first chapter to this story.

And the reason for that is because i really didn't like that chapter- i know a lot of you guys have praised me for writing that story- and eventually i will bring back some Ticcijack short stories, but until then i'd like to make the first 5 or so chapter's of this to be ships of my personal choosing before i start taking requests.

With that being said, i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. 


Short raven colored locks as dark as the night sky above tussled a bit each time the cold night breeze blew by.

'I know...there's no turning back,' the dark haired male thought to himself. 'I've committed the most disgusting sin of all. Murder....I'm a god damn murderer.....' He hung his head low in shame to no one in particular as he shoved his freezing hands into his light blue wind breaker. The same wind breaker he wore that very Halloween night 2 years ago when he took a knife to his classmates, and while he does feel a bit shameful for the act he had committed......he could not deny the utter joy he felt as he buried his knife into-


He was pulled from his stupor by the snap of a branch.

From beneath the white mask, dark night night blue eyes searched the area around him....

.....Only to see a deer pear around a large Oak tree before scampering off...

'Calm down Helen. You know you're alone here...' He reassured himself. But he still couldn't help but feel paranoid, maybe that was just one of the side effects of becoming a "proxy" to the Slenderman.

Once he felt he was safe, he lifted his white mask off of his face as he approached what he called "home."

This so called "home" he now resided in was actually once a Church, how long it had been abandoned- he did not know.

All he knew was that one of the "main" proxies to Slender helped him find this place and make in livable.

The interior of the place was decent, it kept him warm him warm in the winters and cool in the summers- and it had electricity and working water, which was another mystery he still knew not the answers to.

Once before, he had asked about it to some of the other's- only for each to give them the same answer- "Don't worry about it. Just be grateful." So he simply left it at that.

Then again, the most he'd really seen or even talked to any of the proxies was maybe once a year when Slender would send one of them out to his neck of the woods to check up and make sure he didn't die or worse- get caught.

Being caught would've been worse than death itself for a proxy- because if that should ever occur, the Operator will come to damn that poor soul to an eternity of pure torture.....or so he was told by a man named Jeff.

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