Helen x Dina (part 2)

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Alright! Part 2 of this ship!! This chapter isn't nearly as long as the first part of this story, also i think the next chapter i should wright it based on the ship Laughing Jack x Jeff the killer ;0

Anyways, enjoy the last bit of this before i move on to another ship lol


The sun burned high and bright in the sky above as a cool breeze blew by Helen. He sat under a large Oak tree with a green sketch book and pencil in hand, the faint sound of chirping birds and laughter filled the air around him- but none of that bothered him in anyway, not like how it used to.

"What's the date today?" He asked his companion who sat under the same tree as him, "i need to date my drawing."

"The tenth of October," his friend replied. "Oh! I forgot that it was your birthday a few days ago. Sorry."

The tip of Helen's pencil snapped upon contact with the paper. Sighing, Helen sat his sketch book down next to him as he pulled out a little hand held pencil sharpener.

"Wait a minute, how did you know when my birthday is?" Helen asked as he twisted his pencil into the sharpener, allowing the pencil shavings to fall onto his lap without much care before turning to look at the Puppeteer next to him.

"Wait a minute, how did you know when my birthday is?" Helen asked as he twisted his pencil into the sharpener, allowing the pencil shavings to fall onto his lap without much care before turning to look at the Puppeteer next to him

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(Art by Delucat on Tumblr/Deviant art)

The yellow-eyed, grey skinned Puppeteer shrugged as he leaned back against the tree behind him, his long black locks fanning out behind him underneath his grey beanie.

"Maybe you mentioned it to me before??" the Puppeteer replied.

"That's not possible!" Helen argued. "I have only told Dina about this."

"Speaking of Dina...how long have you two exactly been together?"

Helen's cheeks flared up at the mention of his blonde roommate, "I-i mean, were not exactly together you know...we're just partner's in crime really.."

Puppet chuckled at the rare sight of his friend's bashfulness, "yes of course, i know what you mean. But you know i think you two would make a pretty cute couple."

Once again, Helen's pencil led snapped upon contact with his sketch book.

"Hey you two!" Both Helen and Puppet looked up at the small figure that approached the pair. They both knew who it was and remained relaxed as the small child with long unruly brown locks of hair and a blood stained night gown approached them.

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