~The Truth~

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I understand this movie quote is more recent, but it's just too good.

*Play Song*

There's this movie I watched once...the main character once said. "Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial-like breaks of happiness."

Hell of a good movie, and a hell of a smart one too. 

Aphmau's lips still buzzed from the encounter, her heart thumping loudly as if desperate for attention. To be heard and noticed, and make it known that whatever just happened was amazing, and it wanted it to happen again. 

But it was wrong, Aphmau repeated to herself multiple times. But as cliche as it sounds, how could something that's so wrong feel so right....

This world is fucked up....my world is fucked up and whatever I seem to do complicates it further.....

I must stop....this all must stop...

But when we kissed.....when our lips collided in harmony, it felt like the rough terrain I had been failing at conquering smoothed over momentarily. It felt like the guilt and pain and worry that's been riding me decided to take a break. 

It's just dopamine.....just chemicals released from your brain....don't give in...you give in, you're weak.


While Aphmau continued to have a pressuring mental battle within her head, she hadn't noticed a new sound had presented itself, besides the repetitive beeping of her dying son's heart monitor. 

Once she angled her gaze to the source of the noise, her eyes widen and a scream attempts to leave her lips before her mouth is clamped by Ein's restricting hand. 

"Shhhhh darling....our boy is resting...."


"What do you want Ein....." Aphmau sighs, now calmed down and standing with arms folded, unsure what answer she was exactly looking for. 

"What? What could you possibly mean?....You're my family...."

"Don't....you dare say that...." Aphmau asserts, her teeth clenched in anger. "You do not have the dignity or the right to say that right now...."

Ein sighs, pulling in his bottom lip as his gaze wavers between Aphmau and his son. "I'm sorry okay? It's been a pretty hectic this past week...."

"Hectic? You're going with restlessness as your great excuse?" Aphmau scoffs, shaking her head in disbelief that she thought this man would be anything different. 

Ein remains silent, either because his limited creativity was unable to utter a better one, or because saying the truth was just too damn hard.

"Ein....I don't want to live like this anymore....Después de que Andre mejora, vamos a Falconclaw. (after Andre improves, we go to Falconclaw)...."

"What?...." Ein says with confusion, his eyebrows furrowed at her statement.

"Sí, you heard me....Andre deserves better than this life....and I feel foolish for denying him one for so long...."

Ein remains silent, which Aphmau did not expect from the impatient man she who stood before her. 

"Ever since the attack, the DEA has been looking after us....these strangers have been helping 'your family' more than you....."

"Is that what you believe? That just because they parade around with badges and their fancy suits, that they are the good guys?!" 

"You can't hurt us anymore....I suggest you leave...Aaron'll take care of us now...."

"Aaron? The DEA agent?" Ein scoffs, studying Aphmau's expression before erupting in a short burst of laughter. 

Confused, Aphmau stays silent, unsure what part of the current situation that Ein found humorous. 

"You seriously....don't know anything...do you..."

"I'm not in the mood to be mocked right now Ein..."

"Neither am I....and if you think Aaron Lycan is any better a man than me...."

"He is! He is 10x the man you'll ever be and you know it!" Aphmau exclaims, 99% sure of her statement, but there was a small part of her that felt the uncertainty that plagued every thought she has. 

Ein bites the inside of his cheek before darting around the room, rustling through cabinets and closets before finding a locked drawer. Ein not paying mind to the constraint before popping it open, sending a shudder of remembrance down Aphmau's spine.

He snatches the hidden television remote from the drawer and directs it at the television propped in the corner of the room, showing a horrific site. 

Aphmau watches in horror as many news stories flash before her of Phoenix Drop in the past week. Mass bombings, shootings, fires, kidnappings. Fathers cradling dead children in their arms and paramedics carrying covered up individuals on gurneys through streets of wreckage that she once called home. 

With tears shedding down her face, she turns to Ein, Ein getting quite a surprise when Aphmau returns his earlier favor and slaps him right across the cheek. 

"What....were you trying to prove? I already know my father is a horrible person....." Aphmau says through a sob, knowing this was all the work of Zack. 

"Yes, but do you know why he did this? Your father may do despicable things but he does not do so without motivation....."

Aphmau wanted to keep fighting, she wanted to keep reasoning her fairytale and escape. She wanted to keep believing that Ein wasn't insinuating what he was insinuating 

"No....you're lying....you'll say whatever you have to get what you want...." Aphmau accuses with a broken voice, their son in a comatose-like state just nearby. 

"Aphmau....these people you call the good guys....they were behind the raid..."

"No...." Aphmau says as she shakes her head in obvious denial, unable to accept the truth once more.

"These people murdered Katelyn...."


"They shot our son...."

"SHUT UP!!" Aphmau screams into the relatively quiet hospital, obviously disturbing nearby rooms but she didn't care. She doubles over on her knees, unable to take in the information being thrown at her. 

Ein kneels down beside her, an oddly comforting palm on her jerking shoulder from sobs. 

"It's over Aph.....it's time to come back to reality...."

Have a nice day my crystals!

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